156 | What 2025 Has in Store for Restore Collective
[00:00:00] NOTES - What's in STORE for restore in 2025
people - products - profit and how he's personally equipping me to lead this company.
Intrigue - Are you a goal setter? Are you curious with how things have landed or how things are going? What restore might have in store for YOU?
Story - Powersheets - mission (the Lord is the CEO and he "hired" me to be the CVO) and word of the year - JOY!
* Fields story - restore is what the Lord planted for my "work"
* HIM goal - write the Word journal with daily JOY updates and PRAYERs
Got me thinking as I look forward to what's ahead in 2025, start by looking back on the JOY that's come from watching Him show up and what it has looked like so far to look to Christ as the CEO:
PEOPLE - FPMs have already been the biggest blessings and each one has a unique story and feels called
PRODUCT - every vendor (that's worked out) seem to have been hand picked - Lady Burd [00:01:00] example and FS Korea example
PROFIT - what makes our comp plan different - SAFE (more towards the direct sales / hybrid approach) SIMPLE (phases and steps so you can focus on the next right goal) SUSTAINABLE (motivate the RIGHT behaviors) SMART (volume based so people can win as they go and not have to have perfect structure - profitable partner is first rank) SEASONAL (can create volume monthly OR quarterly towards rank and earning free product credit)
Biggest Prayers
PEOPLE - that He would continue to bring us the right leaders, partners and advocates and that people wouldn't feel a sense of urgency (timeline update)
PRODUCT - that the products all in production can flow smoothly with no issues
PROFIT - that we can continue to run this company debt free from the start, setting the example for our leaders and our field.
Yeti Stereo Microphone-6: Hey friends, welcome back to the called to lead podcast. Happy new year. If you are listening to this in real time, and I'm so excited to be sharing all kinds of updates for you for what is new in store for Restore, Lord willing, in 2025. So today's episode is going to be breaking down number one, a reflection of what this whirlwind of an amazing experience has looked like in founding Restore Collective.
And then we're going to look [00:02:00] forward into some of the biggest prayers that I have for this company, along with giving you some key updates on timing. So if you've been wanting an update on all the things, this is the episode for you. So let's dive in.
Yeti Stereo Microphone-7: ~ ~So if you've been a long time listener of this podcast or whether this If this Restore journey has been the first time you have stumbled upon the called to lead podcast, you may or may not know that I love goal setting and I love this time of year because that means I get to bust out my power sheets from cultivate what matters.
And this is something that I've been doing, I guess, for at least seven years. ~Um, I found~ I dug up one of my old ones just to see I have an entire stack of them up here in my office. But whenever I want to take the time to close out a year, especially a crazy roller coaster of a year like 2024, and enter into a new season or a new year, I love to use a tool like this one, the PowerSheets from Cultivate What Matters, to be able to reflect, ~uh,~ not only on what maybe the last year, looked like, what went well, what didn't go [00:04:00] well, but also to dive deeper into who the Lord made me to be and what he's calling me to in this season.
And so I want to start this episode, and I'm praying this episode won't be too long though. I've got a lot of updates for you and a lot to talk about and some really cool stories to share along the way. But I want to start with kind of a personal update because a lot of you guys and i've even heard this from some of the people in our focus group when you hear or you watch Our little update video you hear that Jesus is our ceo And that we are a faith forward or christian based company that obviously is going to be Operating in a very secular environment welcoming all people of all beliefs to obviously be customers, affiliates, advocates, partners, all of the things.
We welcome that. But as for Roger and I, we are believers and Christians first, and we are looking to Christ as the example and the foundation for this business. And so I remember hearing like somebody asked, well, what does that mean exactly? And so I feel like explaining the process [00:05:00] of how I came to what we're going to talk about today and what actually is ~in response to that.~
~or ~in store for a restore in 2025 kind of starts with answering that question. ~Like what,~ like what makes Jesus a CEO? And I'm also listening right now to an amazing book that a friend recommended that's called leadership, not by the book that is about the story of Hobby Lobby. And it kind of struck me as I was listening to it, even in preparation to record this episode that the owner of Hobby Lobby, which I really was not familiar with, he attributes The Lord as the owner of Hobby Lobby and I was like, okay, this is kind of similar And then it struck me but okay if if the Lord kind of put the word CEO on my heart and that is Not so much owner.
I mean, obviously he's the owner of everything. So I acknowledge that in the same way that Mr.Greene that founded Hobby Lobby did but I'm really truly looking to God to Jesus as the CEO of this company. And so what does that look like? Well, what it looks like, first of all, is I feel like he hired me [00:06:00] and I truly, I sometimes hesitate to say like, Oh, this is, you know, this is God's company or, you know, Jesus is driving the ship.
But you guys, I'm here to tell you that any good thing that has come out of the last six It's been about six, seven months, however long it's been since he gave me this idea or this vision, or I guess hired me for lack of a better word. Any good thing that has come from this, it only makes sense because he gave it.
Like, I literally just got our brushes in today. I mean, I could almost cry, you guys, like, and I'll share a story about how these beauties came to be, ~um,~ in just a little bit. But~ like,~ I'm like looking at this, I'm like, how did this even happen? Because it honestly doesn't even feel like it was me. It feels like it was something that he hired me to do, and I was kind of the task master to just execute it.
And so, I want to answer that question first of all. to say that that is truly what Roger and I are doing and when we have gotten things wrong and when we've maybe made some [00:07:00] mistakes, which we certainly have and certainly will continue to along the way. So do not put your faith in us. Put your faith in the Lord because I can promise you he's in this.
And I feel that every day, especially when I look for those little reminders and it's been such a special journey because of that. But so what does that mean? Okay, if he's hired me and I And say the president or the chief visionary officers. I think I have it listed officially, and he's the CEO and Roger, of course, is in charge of operations, which trust me, he's really equipped for that, which has been such a blessing in so many ways.
But what does that look like for me? And how am I uniquely gifted? Because whether or not you know this about me, or even you followed me maybe in my previous company, that was also a makeup company, I wasn't the one who was doing makeup tutorials, or I wasn't the one who really, like, when I would do, I've done a million in person makeovers at this point, I wasn't the one who necessarily was doing it so that I could perfect the art of [00:08:00] the makeover, right?
My passion has always been about helping women simplify and embrace and enhance their their God given natural beauty when it comes to their actual physical appearance and when it comes to their business gifts and skill sets. And even before I was in network marketing, even before I was in makeup, and when I think back all the way to college, and many of you have heard that story where I've, I've been makeup obsessed my entire life.
When you look at that bookshelf back there, and I haven't had a chance to dive into it, but I cannot wait. There are multiple, like at least five books, because this, this is my, uh, if you're watching this on YouTube, you can see the bookshelf behind me. And this is like my curated, list of favorite books.
And there are about five of them that are beauty related back there. Some of them are actually my grandmother's from the seventies and some of these, the principles that are in those books are timeless. And there's something that I've been obsessed with pretty much my whole life. And so While I might not be a makeup artist, number one, and I've never considered myself that, or even [00:09:00] the most makeup savvy person, I know that I have been empowered.
And through the PowerSheets journey, ~one of the things, um,~ on ~one of the initial, what do they call the pages? Um, I can't remember what they call it. They, the, I can't remember. Anyway, I think I would know seven or eight years into this. But~ one of the pages, ~um,~ I absolutely had this breakthrough because it was tasking me with what naming, what fires me up.
And I realized through that, that I have a personal mission statement, which is to empower women to embrace and enhance their God given gifts and strengths in beauty and business. And so for me, What that means is, first of all, empower. You guys have heard on a recent episode where I talked about the verse that is associated with Restore Collective, which is 2 Timothy 1:7 which says that the Spirit of the Lord is not one of fear, but of power and love and self control.
And so that word power, I'm like, okay, yes, that's what I'm here to do is to let that power of the Holy Spirit empower others specifically to embrace and [00:10:00] enhance It's their strengths and gifts and the things they love about themselves or the things they might not even know about themselves. Or the things that they are passionate about and excited about that they think is normal but really it's a unique, God given thing.
skill set or gift or thing about their face, their beauty. I mean, every one of us can be so critical about the things we don't love about our face. But if you look close enough, there are things, especially if you start to really look at enhancing them or embracing them, there's going to be things that you love.
And so that's what motivated me as a makeup artist or as someone who's done probably hundreds, if not a thousand makeovers at this point. Every one of them was really about two things. One, simplifying things for the person that was there and making it just really easy so that she could get back to whatever it is that she is passionate about in her life.
Whether that's being a stay at home mama or a busy entrepreneur like me, I knew that I could equip her with simple systems and skills and some [00:11:00] tips that are pretty universally, ~like, um, ~loved in the makeup world to be able to enhance the things that she does love about herself. Similarly, my experience in business and especially in network marketing has all basically been about the same thing.
It's about breaking the business side of things down into really simple steps. Simple steps, even goal setting. This podcast was started as the dream with me podcast. So if you want to know my formula for breaking down your goals and making them happen, you can go all the way back to the beginning of this episode, episode one and learn how to do that.
So I've been passionate about that and I've also become equally passionate about helping leaders and helping you even through this podcast, embrace and enhance your leadership gifts, the skill sets, the things that Light you up the things that make you who you are and how you can leverage those not just for your own success But for you to accomplish the purpose that God has for you in this world And so that I want to start because I [00:12:00] feel so inspired headed into this year knowing Who I am who the lord made me to be and why he hired me to be the ceo or no I'm, not the ceo to be the president of Restore Collective or the chief visionary officer to You basically be able to drive this incredible ship that he has built for us.
And it's such an honor to be able to share out loud with you on this journey. That was one of the things that he put on my heart was to be able to kind of openly share the good, the bad, all of the things transparently with all of you on this podcast.
Yeti Stereo Microphone-8: So the second piece to the PowerSheets puzzle is the word of the year. So if you have never done PowerSheets or you've never done a word of a year for yourself or for your business or your family, then the PowerSheets prep work, is what it's called, can help you come to a conclusion for a word or in my case, I always like to pick a verse that can be the driving force or the, the thing to just kind of, Bring it all [00:13:00] together.
Yeti Stereo Microphone-9: And so my word of the year for 2025 is joy. And that word, it's kind of crazy because the minute it came to me, a scripture passage came to mind. And, ~um,~ I actually had it wrong initially, and it's, and I didn't know the reference at the time, but it was, I thought it was the joy of the Lord set before me.
And my original kind of, I guess, excitement or joy with the word joy was that like, Oh wow, this is saying that the Lord has joy in store for this next season. season and while I hope and pray that he actually does and there has been additional scripture that there really does promise that I do believe that he does in fact have joy in store ahead for us and I will certainly continue to pray for that.
But the way the verse actually is worded and it's Hebrews 12:2
Yeti Stereo Microphone-10: Which says fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith for the joy set before him, [00:14:00] he endured the cross. scorning his shame and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. So we've talked about the verse that comes right before this, which is therefore since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles and let us run with perseverance.
The race marked for us and I was just blown away when I realized, first of all, that was the reference that came to my mind. Second of all, I totally had it wrong. So if you've ever misquoted scripture or misrepresented it or misunderstood it, you know, the Lord will show you if you just kind of dive into it, that in fact what we should be striving for and what ultimately I'm striving for, as I look to take on this big task of being hired, By Jesus to run this company is the joy that is set before me Isn't necessarily going to be in this season or even in this life It's the eternal joy that's going to be found [00:15:00] in heaven Seated at the right.
Well, I won't be seated at the right hand of God, but seated before the throne of God And so when you look at the example of Jesus, and again, going back to him leading our company as the CEO, he was about to endure the cross, and the shame, and all of the things, the humiliation, the pain, the suffering, all the things that we can't even imagine.
But yet, what he was looking towards is the joy that was set before him? I mean, if that's not inspiring, I don't know what is. So, if you're going through something that's not inspiring, That is a struggle right now. Or if you've got anxiety or fear or hesitation or anything scary around the next season in your life, I want you to look, especially if you're a believer, I want you to look for the joy that set before you in eternity in heaven.
And let that be your driving focus. And that is certainly my driving focus. So now there have been other scriptures, ~um, ~including Psalm 16:11 I believe it is that also reflects back on this path that we're called to and running that race, but doing it, ~um,~ [00:16:00] and, and keeping our eyes on the joy and keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus.
And so all of those, there's actually multiple verses that are on my heart for this year, and that is what I'm going to be focusing on. But specifically because when you do the power sheets, And here's where I'm going to tie it all together for what's in store for Restore, my friends, is when you tie it all together, ~um, ~in PowerSheets, you're going to set as many goals, ~um,~ up to eight, there used to be 10, but they've kind of limited it to seven or eight.
And you set those goals for your life and your business, your home, your family. And last year, and I've talked about this on the podcast too, so this probably isn't the first time you've heard me say this, but if you're also watching on YouTube, you can see this painting behind me that reflects what the Lord kind of, the vision that He gave me last year, which was that I should be setting goals personally, you can do it however you want to, but for each of the fields that He's called me to cultivate in my life.
And so, obviously there's the field of our family and [00:17:00] trying to raise two teenage or preteen girls. And there's the, ~um, you know,~ the personal, ~um, you know, ~growth and personal, you know, like, health and wellness and things like that for, for the me side of things. There's our home and all of the ways that he wants to play.
for me to cultivate and be a good steward of that amazing blessing that he's given us. There's the community aspect, ~um,~ which is the we, the collective we, which I've got some exciting plans for in 2025. But there's also one. I like to set a goal for him, which means how can I grow my faith? And how can I grow my faith in in him?
And of course, there's one. For the work side of it, which I have all kinds of goals set up, but really just one goal that I'm going to kind of share or really the three goals that I'm going to share with you today that are really more like prayers and they are goals. ~Um,~ and so I'll show those in a bit.
But one of the goals ~from, um,~ that I wrote down and one of the action steps within those goals is to sit down each morning in the Word [00:18:00] and focus on the Word first, then go for a walk with my puppies. If you're watching, I've got at least one of my little girlies, my golden retrievers up here with me now.
So go on a walk. in our neighborhood just to kind of clear my mind, get some fresh air, and move my body, and then get to work. So do those two things first and then dive in to work because the mornings are where the joy comes in for me. I definitely am a morning person. And so one of the ways that I'm going to do that and be intentional is going back to something that has served me very well, which is another Cultivate What Matters product, which is called Write the Word.
And it's a journal where you can, basically it'll give you a scripture prompt, and you write out the actual scripture, for that day and then you reflect on what that scripture means to you or just reflect on anything. There's an entire page for you to journal whatever you want and I realized that I have not been doing that for almost a year now.
I think a part of the thing is I was doing the Bible recap and [00:19:00] so I was going through that order of the Bible as opposed to looking to random verses that are found in the themed aspect of the Write the Word journals. But I knew that I needed to get back to the journaling aspect of it, and I love to write the word journals to do it.
So I say all that to say that I have chosen a new write the word journal, and I have been doing it faithfully this year, and one of the things that I have been doing that has been really helpful, and you can totally copy and steal this if you want, and it's the framework for the rest of this episode, is I write three things that have brought me joy in the last day.
So it could be the day before, Could be that night could be that morning. Just three things that I'm grateful for where the where the Lord showed up with something that brings me joy. And then The second piece to that is the prayers, at least three that are just burning on my heart. And usually these are the things that are keeping me up at night.
These are the things that maybe a friend is [00:20:00] going through that I have promised that I would pray for her with. They're the things that whether it's with me or the business or our home or someone in our family or one of my friends, it's the things that I just want to bring to the Lord to write my prayers and petitions and bring those to the Lord in prayer.
And so, my friends, that intro is all for me to share what's in store for Restore by sharing the three ways the Lord has brought me immense joy and reminded me that He is the one who is the CEO of this company and driving the ship, and then the three biggest prayers. And so, let's get started.
Without further ado, we're going to start with the three biggest joys.
And along the way, I'm going to be sharing some updates with you guys as well on each of the different things. And if you have been following along from the very beginning, you know that the Lord has kind made it clear that there are three components to this company that are all vitally important in the formation of [00:21:00] it.
And that is the people, which is the most important, the product, which actually comes from help from the people. So, for example, our focus group has really helped to hone in on the product development and give feedback on everything from like the logo size to colors to all of the things. So if you're not yet a part of our focus group, make sure to check out the link in the show notes in the description to fill out a quick survey, get connected with one of our founding partner mentors so that you can be a part of this focus group as well.
~Um, ~but essentially the people are what are driving the creation of the products. It's what you guys want. And it's, It's the way that you want it and together we can #butmakeitbetter, which is one of our hashtags. ~Um, and~ so the final step from that is profit. If we get that right. So if we find the right people and we serve them and love them well, and together we collectively create amazing products, then finally the last piece is profit.
And so I'm going to share how the Lord has brought me immense joy in those three categories. [00:22:00] So the first one, we're going to start with people. So I can't start with the people of this without giving a huge shout out to the 10 so far founding partner mentors of Restore Collective. So you have been meeting each one of them each week and hearing more about their amazing stories of how really kind of despite all odds and The way that most of them have actually come into this.
It's like it doesn't make sense outside of the Lord calling them into it But these founding partner mentors I have to say have just been one of the biggest blessings I mean, I knew all of them prior to this But I've gotten to know them more and we've all gotten to know each other and grow together.
And we haven't even started this company yet. And we were just talking, in fact, I think that's where the word joy came from, was after interviewing kristi, the very first one that I interviewed. And we were talking about how much joy this has brought us just from that. Being a part of this together, and it got me so excited because I feel like that's exactly what the Lord can use [00:23:00] this business model of direct sales when it's done right, is he can put people in a powerful community of other people who can be there like the kick line.
To lift each other up and to support each other, to help each other grow because iron sharpens iron. And I can tell you that the Lord has been in these relationships and continues to show that these women have been put in this place for a reason and that they are the foundation and the strong roots that are going to help this company grow big and strong.
So that is the first, ~uh, first step.~ I guess praise or joy filled moment of the way I know the Lord is in this is the people specifically the founding partner mentors and their focus groups because I've had some conversations with some of the gals who aren't necessarily founding partner mentors but they are just as fired up they are just as like connected to this purpose and passion and they are sharing it and friends I see you if we haven't connected I know who you are I know the ones that are so excited And [00:24:00] just because you aren't a founding partner mentor, you have just as much of an opportunity with this company as the founding partner mentors do, but maybe just a little bit less responsibility.
But again, they were called to this responsibility and they've been uniquely gifted and they're excited for that purpose. And so whether you're a part of the focus group or you're a founding partner mentor, know that you are one of the biggest joys and blessings of this so far. And it's been It's such an amazing experience, and I can't wait to see what is in store for us in 2025.
So the second area where the Lord has brought me immense joy is in the product category. And specifically, this is kind of going back to the people, is the vendors that are the ones who are currently producing all of our products right now. Everything is in production officially, which is exciting. The development process, which comes before production, took much longer than I anticipated.
And so for that reason, I'm gonna just be 100 percent transparent with you that our [00:25:00] timeline has been pushed back. I know that I had said that we would be to market in Q1 or first quarter, which would be January, February, or March of this year. And I can tell you, unfortunately, that that is not going to happen.
And it was a little ambitious. It seemed doable back in August when we met these vendors. And I'll tell you a couple of stories, ~um,~ about the ways that back then and still now they are showing up despite this kind of pushback of the timeline. Because we, I will say that the, and I, to be honest, I don't even know that I feel comfortable like giving you guys a date or saying, I mean, obviously Q2 is now the goal.
At one point I didn't even want to use the M word, which was March, but now I'm like, I don't even want to use the M word, which is may, but I also don't want to mismanage expectations or say like, Oh, you can be making money by this point. Or you, you know, if you're a partner or an advocate or an affiliate and my new kind of mantra for, you know, getting this thing to market is as long as it takes.
And so I know a lot of you guys are really wanting [00:26:00] an updated specific timeline. And while I have one and I could share it, there are so many moving parts to this. The Bible tells us really clearly in James, who are we to say that, you know, we're going to do this and this and this in the coming days, weeks, years, what we can say is Lord willing, this is what we're going to do.
And so Lord willing, we will be having products available to purchase possibly to a smaller group of people. So make sure you're in the focus group to get all of the inside scoop and the details for that. That's my one little hint. ~Um,~ in Q2, um, So now we also are no longer going to be doing a big conference in July as I have talked about on here.
~So, uh,~ but we may do something smaller. So stay tuned for that. Again, that's not really something I kind of want to say. ~Um,~ maybe keep those dates, save the date, something like that, but don't book flights. How about that? Does that sound like a good plan? But get excited for something really [00:27:00] worth celebrating this summer.
And I'll be sharing when things when I feel very confident that I won't be mismanaging expectations. I will continue to share that along the way. But let's go back to the product, which has been the hold up because again, the development, which I thought I think when people said it, Oh, it takes like three months to produce things.
I wasn't factoring in the time that it takes to develop things in that timeline, which I did have about a three month cushion built in there. But unfortunately that wasn't quite long enough. So everything is in various stages of production. And the good news is, is the hard work has been done and things are, the decisions have been made and things are finalized.
They are moving along. And So smoothly. But the way the Lord has specifically shown up is in the relationships with the vendors that are the ones producing it. So specifically I think most of you guys have heard the story that Restore Collective actually was initially started just with skin care and makeup wasn't something that I initially wanted to do, ~um, ~or really kind of saw as a [00:28:00] vision.
One, I just didn't want to, well, honestly, I was a little scared. Then second of all, I just, I didn't want to try to one up or emulate or anything, things that had already been done. But in talking to Roger and going into prayer and really just looking to the Lord to guide, guide again, who I am and who he's hired me to be, I realized that makeup is my passion and it's something I've loved for so long.
And so, Roger and I flew to this trade show in Vegas this summer, and we went there to find bottles for the skincare. And that morning, literally that morning, we decided to include makeup. And so I was like, what the heck? I was not prepared for this. We only have one day here at this trade show. Like, I need, I need everything.
I need a palette. I need, I need the products that go in it. How do you even find somebody to make makeup for you? Right? ~Um,~ I need brushes. And so you guys, this is the crazy story. I was like kind of rounding the corner. Roger had actually gone to the bathroom [00:29:00] and I was praying because I had not seen any makeup brushes at that point.
And I was like, gosh, Lord, like, how are we going to find really good brushes? Because they've got to be really, really good, but they also have to be, you know, the right price point and they've got to be great quality. And I really want it to be made by somebody that's great. And so I just kind of said this prayer.
I came around the corner and I found this amazing lady. Her name is Grace, and she was immediately so helpful in showing me. Actually, it was a very similar version to this exact brush. Very, I mean, almost identical to the one we kind of designed it ourselves with the gold and the brushes. This is if you're watching it on YouTube.
And this is our actual beautiful brush in production. It's so pretty. But, uh, but this brush, I was like, wait, this is amazing. And I kind of felt it. And once you feel this, you will die. It feels so good. And then This is wild. I am standing there and this gentleman comes up to me and he's like, excuse me. ~Um,~ I don't mean to interrupt.
He's like, but~ I, um,~ I noticed that it [00:30:00] says that you're from Georgia on your, on your little name badge. He's like, I have a house in Hilton head. ~Um,~ and we get down there quite a bit. He's like, and I couldn't help but overhear that you're starting a new business. He's like, I always love women ~on~ owners.
And I would love to kind of know your story. And so I kind of told him, The backstory, which was, well, honestly, I had no intentions of doing this until the Lord basically showed me that this is what he wants me to do. And he looked at me and he said, I was wondering if you were a believer. He's like, I could kind of just get that feeling.
He's like, and I want you to know, he's like, I, ~um, ~have been hired as a consultant. He was. He's like a huge executive at Procter Gamble, which is like, if you don't know, they're one of the biggest beauty manufacturers in the world, ~um,~ and he was one of their top executives for many years. He's like, but I'm personal friends with the owner of the company that makes our brushes.
And he's like, he is also a believer. He's a Christian. And not only that, but he has, and I have full transparency, anything that goes on your face or in, well, we don't have anything in your [00:31:00] body, but we will be making all those things in the United States. But this particular company, our brushes are made overseas in Asia, but this man, this is what just gave me so much peace.
And that's one of the things that allows them to be affordable and really well done. ~Um, ~but here's the cool factor of it. He, the man told me that one time he visited the owner's factory and he said, the Lord has obviously blessed you abundantly. What are you doing to give back to him? And he said, I'm so glad you asked.
Let me show you. And he walked him around the corner from,~ um, in, you know, from~ basically where they were producing all of the goods there. And inside that factory was a church. And. There were kids that were in there. It was kind of like an old fashioned, like Sunday school and this owner of this company is not only a believer himself, but he is spreading the gospel and making disciples in a country that's honestly, ~quite frankly,~ quite frankly dangerous to be able to share it.
I probably shouldn't even be sharing it publicly. I don't know, but at least I'm not going to say the [00:32:00] name of the, ~uh,~ the company or even the, ~um, ~the, country that we're talking about here, but it's pretty amazing and astounding. And right then and there, I knew I was like, okay, well, first of all, I want this brush.
Second of all, what else do you have? And it has been the most amazing blessing to be able to work with them. And they have, ~um,~ produced some other items for us, which are, I'm so excited to be able to reveal at a later time too. So that's just one example. Another example, and I told you guys this was going to be long, but these stories are just too good not to share.
So another example, and maybe I could make, should I break this into two parts? Maybe I'll break it into two parts. We'll see. But another example is that, ~um,~ over the holidays, so this was literally within the last month, I had a task list for our makeup formulator, who's a domestic company. All of that is made, ~um,~ in the USA.
exceeding the EU standards. And we had another lovely experience in finding that vendor, and it was actually one of Rogers favorites. And so I had already had a great experience working with them. And our rep was, was lovely, but I had tasked her [00:33:00] with a bunch of things right around the holidays. And the next week I got an email that she was no longer my account executive.
And I'm not going to lie that in that moment, and actually for a few days until I actually was able to connect with my new account executive over there, I kind of had the fear of like, Oh no, like, was this not what I thought it was going to be? Or, you know, is this going to slow things down even further?
Because this was right around the time I learned that we were going to have to push back our timeline, which was. Quite frankly, pretty devastating. And so I kind of had to pull myself out of the feelings of fear knowing that that's not those feelings are not from the Lord. And I was so excited when I finally connected with our new account executive who's been with this company for almost 20 years, who absolutely, even today is like moving mountains to make some really cool things happen that would not have happened had that pivot or that change not come to fruition.
And what's really crazy, this is a really cool story. is we've been texting and which I kind of almost feel bad [00:34:00] sometimes like texting. I'm like, are you sure you don't mind texting? She's like, no, that's what I'm here for. And so we're texting and ~she responds,~ she writes to me. ~Um,~ she's like, God is so good.
And I was like, wait, did I say anything about God? Like, I, because at this point, I think it had only been a few days that we had been texting. And I realized, I'm like, no, like this, she's a believer sharing her faith. And so then we got to talking about faith and how ~she's,~ there's a church in Atlanta she's been dying to go to.
And I'm like, oh my gosh, Lord, yet again, you have put another believer in our path that is uniquely, you know, equipping like us to make this thing happen. So again, it's not me. It's not in my strength. In fact, it's my weaknesses that he's allowing, you know, things to kind of come to fruition, which is really, really, really cool.
So there's a million other stories, even some that just came to my mind, but I just wanted to share those two quick stories of how the Lord has brought me immense joy, even in the product development side, because he keeps showing me like, listen, honey, this is my timeline, not yours. It's as long as it [00:35:00] takes.
So stop mismanaging expectations and stop being overly ambitious. Y'all know I'm an optimist to a fault and he's keeping me in line and he's in charge of the timeline. And I will keep you guys updated as he makes it clear. Okay. But it has been an amazing experience on the product side so far. Okay, so finally the profit side.
So the profit side from the joy factor of this is really just in the development of our compensation plan. So another believer who connected with us with another believer who are just in fact some of the biggest compensation plan developers in the country. In fact, they have the like hundred billion dollar plus network marketing companies.
They have worked with a third of the companies either from the very beginning or a lot of what they do is when They have issues with their comp plan. They go to these consultants to be able to fix it and change it and make things [00:36:00] better. And so we told them right from the get go that we didn't want something that was going to have to change.
We wanted to set our compensation plan from the beginning without having to have it be changed. Changed at all. And they were like, we got you. And so not only did they design an incredible compensation plan, which we will be sharing more info with the focus groups here, rolling out very shortly. So if you've been more curious about the details, ~um,~ get excited for that and make sure to fill out that focus group survey.
But I did wanna share, ~um, you know,~ that just like our products, when we've talked about the five S's. Our compensation plan also ~is ~represents the five S's, so it's safe, which means it's moving more towards the direct sales or the hybrid affiliate program and away from the traditional network marketing kind of MLM, like, you know, very, like, strategic.
~Um,~ just focused on the business side of things. Ours is that we are a product customer centered company, but we have a plan that [00:37:00] will equip people who are leadership minded, like myself, to be able to help other people build a business around sharing that product. And for those that aren't interested in that side of it, we also have the advocate side.
And so for that reason, we're building a very simple product. safe compensation plan that is, you know, regulatory friendly. It's something that was designed from the get go that, you know, we're, we're not going to have issues with. We haven't, we also hired the best attorney in the industry, gave it his stamp of approval.
And he even has a great working relationship when, and if any issues, which we, you know, know that they won't, but obviously the industry is changing and you can rest assured that our comp plan was designed to be safe. It was also designed to be simple. So my old team name was Keep It Simple Sister and we worked really hard to create a really simple, easy to understand compensation plan that is based in phases and steps that are designed to help you Like not, I mean, for those of you, like, if you're like me and you want to see the big picture, you [00:38:00] certainly can do it.
If you were a top leader at another company, you can see the whole big picture, but it's really designed to be bite sized steps designed to meet you where you are and equip you with simple steps by focusing on five. So starting with focusing on finding five customers to then become profitable in your business.
And we have ways to reward that right from the get go from your Making more money and also getting some free product credit in there, too, for making that happen. Then after you've mastered that and you can scale it and grow it from there. You can focus on finding five teamies and finding five partners or advocates to help grow the volume, which that's how you make money in this business is to build your volume, whether it's your own volume or empowering others to share the product that they love and build volume from that.
And then finally, the last two phases of the compensation plan are designed to helping So that's building up other people who want to grow and we have some really cool facets of the compensation plan to really put [00:39:00] together something that is really beautiful and really simple, which is one of my favorite aspects.
So it's safe. It's simple. It's sustainable. It's meant to motivate the right behaviors. So we tried to eliminate all of that. All of the icky things about network marketing, all of the things like where, you know, you never have to say to someone and like, Hey, are you going to get active? Cause it benefits me, but it doesn't mean anything to you.
Instead from the get go, the very first rank is called profitable partner, which you can rank, I think three times without even having a team. So it's literally like the first several ranks you can do just on your own with your own sales, which makes it really easy. And actually that's technically one of my bullet points for the smart, ~um,~ That's coming next.
But basically, they're because our compensation plan is volume based in that regard. You don't have to worry about the exact pieces of the puzzle being in the right places at the right time and having those awkward conversations. What you can have the conversation is, [00:40:00] Hey, you know, is it your goal to be profitable in your business this month?
And anyone who enrolls as a partner should have that as their goal. And if not, we'd rather have them as a customer and that's not a problem either because we don't want people just signing up, ~um,~ just to sign up. That's not what the partner program is for. It's for someone who wants to build and grow their business.
So it's sustainable because it's motivating the right behaviors and minimizing the things that are kind of icky. So we won't have any placement. That's not something that I love and it's not something that I feel like is usually done with the right intentions. ~I'll set up a few ex, uh, uh~
Yeti Stereo Microphone-11: ~ ~outside of a few exceptions. So ultimately we have created a very sustainable compensation plan that we want to serve people for the long term. So the next one is smart. So our compensation plan is smart because it's kind of built on sound business principles that are even biblically based. ~And so, um,~ what I mean by that is it's based on starting a profitable business and~ that ~Doing that from the get go and hopefully doing that [00:41:00] every month.
And then when you find the right number of people to create that volume again, whether it's one people, a few people, especially by focusing on the five at a time method that we will teach in all of our systems, coupled with the who invite next strategy that we've already talked about on this podcast, it's going to help you break down exactly what it takes to get to that next level.
So it's really smart because As I mentioned before, it's a volume based and it's not ~um,~ like the conversations that come truly are about serving others and truly are about finding people who love the product as much as you do, who want to share it and then everyone being able to win from that. So if you help other people win and you help them create volume, you are going to win, which is going to create the money in your pocket, which I know is.
the goal of any business owner, whatever you choose to do, and however you choose to be a good steward of that is to make some money and be profitable as we've already talked about. So our comp plan is smart. And then finally, it [00:42:00] is seasonal. So just like our makeup is seasonal and going to be curated and, you know, based in loosely in the color seasons, more just kind of like in the cool and warm tone.
So that if you know, for example, that you are a summer or,~ um, a, uh, what am I, a light or,~ I don't know what I am. I'm basically in between summer and an autumn. I'm a muted that I've learned. And so whatever you are, you will be able to find some colors and some shades that will enhance and embrace your beauty.
But our compensation plan also has seasonal elements to it, which is really, really fun. So for example, the volume that's required for those first few ranks, or even for the ranks, you know, even moving forward, it's based in A quarterly or a monthly so you can do the volume in one month or you can do the volume in one quarter or three months period, which is really cool.
We also have ways that you can earn free product or earn basically dollars for certain actions and behaviors and kind of getting started in the right way in your business. We have a [00:43:00] fast start program, ~which is really excited,~ but we also will be integrating a seasonal component in that as well. So we have a lot of the seasonality aspect built into the comp plan because we know that when you start a business.
to everything, there's a season, right? And whether that's, you're having a baby or something unexpected comes up with your family, or you're just not able to make it as much of a priority in that month, but maybe over a season, you know that you can, you can still run this business and take ~the,~ from the benefits of the compensation plan due to the seasonality of it.
So that's been the biggest blessing so far is being able to develop and create a really innovative, unique compensation plan that I really feel like, again, was divinely inspired and really also fits those five pillars that are so important to us. That it's safe, it's smart, it's simple, it's sustainable, and it's seasonal.
So, That wraps up the things that have brought me the biggest joy in each of the three pillars now Let's head into what looking [00:44:00] forward my three biggest prayers in each of those categories. So the first category friends is the people. So my biggest prayer for people in 2025 and what we have to look forward to is just that the Lord continues to make this as an option for the right people.
So we want. you know, the people who have that same mission, whether or not you're a believer, that's not a requirement, but certainly if you are a believer, welcome home sister. It's so great to be able to have the opportunity to have this business again. That's not perfect. I certainly am not, but Jesus is.
And I can promise you that we are doing our very best to look to him and to keep our eyes fixed on him. And that's again, my number one goal and seeking joy is to keep my eyes fixed on him and the example that he set and seeking that joy set before him. Right. So that I can promise you. And, ~um,~ and so we want people, whether it's on the customer side or the advocate side or the partner side, or with our founding partner mentors, we want the [00:45:00] Lord to put the right people in place.
And that's honestly our biggest prayer. And on that note, one of the things that we're really looking for is for those, the people that have already gotten really, really excited to have a sense of peace in the timeline like we do, because a sense of urgency or scarcity, or, you know, it can be easy to, especially for those of us that might be waiting to be making money or making an income from this, it's important to acknowledge that the Lord is Number one, he's the orchestrator of the timeline, right?
But he's also the provider of the income. And one of the things with the timeline being having to have been pushed back that I saw right away was that his timeline was better than ours. like in several different ways for several different types of people with shifting it back. But also he was providing for the people who needed that income in ways that we couldn't even have seen possible.
And it was just a such a beautiful reminder that even if things don't turn out the way that we hope [00:46:00] or in the timeline that we hoped that he is our provider and he is our source for all of it. Whether it's the joy, whether it's the income, whether it's the people for yourself, maybe, ~um, ~you know, you are looking to grow this and you're like, I don't know who these people are.
I want you to focus this with a sense of abundance and not scarcity and not urgency because urgency and feeling hurried or, you know, pressured, I can promise you that's not a good feeling. And the minute I let that go and just realize that it doesn't mean that I can't do it. I mean, I'm running, I'm running this race.
Friends have been called to this race. We are running hard and we haven't stopped and we won't stop. But that doesn't mean that we can be the one to make things happen or force things in a timeline just because we're all ready to start making some money. Okay. So just be patient with us. And my, that's my biggest prayer is that people can have a patience and a peace that the timing will come together as it's meant to come together.
Also, one of my biggest prayers here is that we can get together here. I want to start doing what are called Restore [00:47:00] Road Trips. And so that's something that we will be announcing, rolling out to the focus groups specifically, where we can do in person intimate gatherings in some key cities across the country.
So that you can get your hands on the makeup so that you can meet hopefully me and some of the founding partner mentors and some other gals who might be joining, ~um,~ you know, this, this business model. So stay tuned for more information and more dates. And again, make sure that you're plugged into the focus group by filling out the survey and getting connected with one of the founding partner mentors if you haven't already on there.
So, ~um,~ That my friends is my biggest prayer for the people in 2025 and what's in store for us, hopefully. Then the second one is the products. So my biggest prayer when it comes to the products is kind of tied to the timeline. So I just pray that the timeline continues to, well, I say continues to, there's been probably more bumps in the road in the development and production than I would have anticipated.
So I just contend, I just pray that things roll smoothly. And as expected with [00:48:00] the new pushed back timeline that we have set in place that we don't have further delays or further unexpected issues that come up and they always are going to be there. But we can certainly pray specifically that they don't and that people that in some cases that things might even exceed our expectations.
And so that's my biggest prayer for the products is that they get here quickly with no issues. So we can all get this business started. So that's my biggest prayer for the, for that piece. And then finally the profit. And so I kind of alluded to this, that in my power sheets, just to kind of wrap it up in a big bow, that one of the, ~um, you know,~ categories or one of the fields, if you're looking at my painting here, that I feel called to cultivate is obviously the work side of things.
It's, it's what the Lord called me to do. in my working time and obviously that's now Restore since I've been hired here. And so my biggest prayer for that piece of it is that we can create a profitable business. [00:49:00] And so the reason that we want to do that is not so we can make a bunch of money. In fact, we hope to be very generous with our profits and be able to give it in multiple different facets of ways.
And we're still working out those details, but we will keep, you know, keep you updated and share what that looks like. because we want generosity to be a good component, but we can't be generous if we don't have profits. And so profitability is something that we are praying and doing it in a way that's debt free.
So we are starting this company debt free, and we pray that we are able to continue to sustain that. That is our goal. Again, Lord willing. I just actually read in the Hobby Lobby book, ~um,~ that, you know, essentially taking on debt, long term debt, now short term debt, things like that, you know, there can be, there can be ways to do that effectively in business.
So I'm not ruling out that we would do that, but ~long term wise, um, long,~ taking on long term debt is essentially saying that, you know what's going to happen in the future. And you're planning for there to be something when you don't know that. And It's also kind of preventing the Lord the opportunity to be the provider of [00:50:00] that, whatever it is that's needed.
And so it is our goal to remain debt free, and it's our goal to be profitable. And we hope that we can set ~that,~ that tone and example to empower you as a partner or as a business owner. And even if that's not with Restore, if you're in network marketing in another company, we want you to be profitable as well.
And so that's why I'm going to keep sharing all of this with anyone who will listen out loud is because we are focused in our heart is for you to build a business, doing something that you love. And in one of the greatest business models that we have been a part of, which is the direct sales side of things.
And so. Profitability is our biggest prayer for the profit side of the business and that we specifically can continue to run and build and grow this business debt free and family owned. ~Um,~ and of course with Christ as a CEO. So my friends, that was a long, likely two episodes for me to share. And so just to summarize for you [00:51:00] guys, ~um, you know, ~this really all starts with the mission that I feel called to, which is just to really empower.
people to embrace and enhance their ~natural,~ natural, God given beauty, gifts, strengths, business skills, all of the things. And that's why I feel the Lord hired me to run this company alongside Roger. And I'm grateful to be able to do that with joy as my new word of the year this season. And so allowing me to share the three biggest joys when it comes to the people, the product and the profit over this journey so far and~ the, uh, ~the biggest prayers that we have in each of those categories moving forward.
And so I'm going to wrap this up in prayer today. And as always, I'm so thankful for your time and for listening.
Yeti Stereo Microphone-12: Lord, thank you so much for the opportunity to share all the ways that you have brought joy into the formation of this business. And thank you for everybody that's listening and following in along on this journey. And just my prayer is that these words, uh, and [00:52:00] even the framework that you've inspired me to reflect on the things that bring me joy and the things that I want to bring to you each day.
And in this episode in prayer, this is something that anybody can can do if they want to connect deeper with the purpose and intention that you have for their own, uh, 2025. And so just thank you for the people that you've brought our way, for the products that together we've been able to develop that are just really special.
And thank you in advance for the vision of allowing that to create a profitable business, uh, that is, uh, prayerfully debt free for all of us. Uh, we know that you are driving the ship and we're grateful that you called us to it for, for those of us that, that feel led to be a part of it. And so just help us to be good stewards of everything that you give to us, both the gifts and the talents and the strengths that we have.
Um, also keeping in mind that your power is made perfect in our weakness and not to lean into the shame [00:53:00] or the frustration where we may fall short because that's where you can step in and show off and show up. to where we know that you're the one that is doing anything that's good because all the good things are for you and from you and through you and we acknowledge that above all and so just thank you for the blessing and opportunity to be able to learn out loud and share out loud and thank you for the grace and the patience and I can't wait to see what you have in store for restoring 2025 and thanks again for everything you do for us in Jesus name.
Amen. All right, guys, until next week, we will continue on sharing the interviews for the next round of founding partner mentors. So make sure to fill out that focus group survey in the description or the show notes and can't wait to continue sharing all the things with you. Y'all have a great week. Bye. [00:54:00] ~ ~