157 | Meet the Founding Partner Mentor: Whitney Thiessen
~ ~[00:00:00] Hey friends, welcome back to the Called to Lead podcast. I am so excited to continue the interview series of our founding partner mentors for Restore Collective. And today's interview is going to be such a blessing because Mrs. Whitney Thiessen is Such ~an~ a relatable leader, but what she was able to accomplish in her business and what she's bringing here in terms of her heart and her goal setting, but in a way that anybody can do it, you're going to be so inspired.
So I can't wait for y'all to meet Whitney and hear her story in today's interview. [00:01:00] ~ ~
Okay, you guys. So I want Whitney to share her story. But before I introduced her, I just want to be able to give her some love because she, even though she didn't have much experience in the network marketing industry, she is in Canada, she's a mama, she's a nurse. She lives in a itty bitty little town and a small province up in Canada.
~But despite all of those shortcomings, ~she was able to build an amazing business from just four teamies it's kind of right at the beginning of her journey to by the end of that [00:02:00] year, like nine in nine months to like Over 200 and then was able to rank and grow to the very tip top of the last company that we are were part of together.
But the coolest part is she did it not in by just having some big social media following or again living in some big city where she had a ton of connections. She built a relationship. By relationship with tons of both in person connections and really focused online, ~uh, ~ways of doing it. And I just know that her bringing that duplicatable relatable method is going to be such a blessing and a gift to restore.
So Whitney, thank you so much for, for being here and sharing your story today. You're welcome. I'm excited to be here. ~ So let's first start for those who don't know you a little bit of your, just kind of life, um, backstory of your experience in direct sales, what that has done for your life in the last, what, let's see, has it been like five years or so?~
~You've been a part of it. Um, okay. Well, thanks. I'm, I guess it started out very, I don't know if it's how normally people start out with direct sales or whatever, but I had a friend who I kind of had been following, she was part of a different direct sales company at the time, and she started sharing about this.~
~product that got my interest. And I was on maternity leave with my fourth at the time, kind of just wanting something to maybe feel a little bit better, um, and kind of just, um, maybe not have to pay for my product. That was my goal, was to not have to pay for my product, but be able to try it out. Um, so I end up, Going ahead and starting with this, with this business, um, and really just kind of doing it in the midst of taking care of a bunch of littles.~
~Um, and, um, I, I forget what your question was, Heather. Can you ask me again? I can. And everything's editable too, so take note. Lindsay, cut that one and Heather, ask me again. I forget what the question was. I should write it down. Ask me again. So, um,~ tell us the story of just your life, like the last five years of direct sales, like how you got started in it.
Maybe why you decided to do it as a busy mom of four girls, ~um, ~working mama. And just tell us the backstory. Okay. So a friend of mine was sharing about this, ~um,~ company that she was a part of. She was really excited about it. [00:03:00] And I was interested in learning about the products. ~Um,~ so after kind of taking a peek, I was like, you know, why don't I just see if I can, you know, I just want to try it.
So I gave it a try. ~Um, ~Without any real expectation, I kind of, you know, I was legitimately excited about the product. So I was hoping that maybe I could get mine for free, maybe help a couple of people try it too. Cause I really thought it was changing my life and I wanted to help change their life as well, but I had no real goals.
~Um, ~I was at home, ~um,~ I in Canada, we are blessed with, ~uh,~ we can have up to 18 months of maternity leave. So I was like taking full advantage of that, but also, ~um, um,~ As a nurse, you know, I had my maternity leave that was topped up for a little bit, then it goes, goes down. And then if you do extend to the 18 months, it's quite minimal.
So it would have been a nice way also to just help, ~um,~ financially, to help me stay at home a little bit longer. So, ~Um,~ after doing it for a few months and seeing that~ I was, you know, that ~I actually was able to make some money. I wasn't sure that anyone really could in direct sale. So I was, you know, and namely me, cause I had no experience really, just, I had been a part of a couple [00:04:00] other ones, but it just never worked out.
~Um,~ I just thought, you know, what if I could? Try a little bit harder, work a little bit and see what could come of it. ~Um,~ and so ~ ~this friend of mine, we both came up with these pretty incredible goals. It was, I remember it was January or February, like the very beginning of the year, I had about four teamies and I was like, I'm going to rank to the top of the company by the end of the year.
And ~my,~ our, Brandon Upline was like, cool. ~Um,~ if you're going to do that, here's, you know, here's your goal. And ~we kind of just,~ I like, I just went and, you know, put my head down and just started sharing about it openly about the opportunity of it. And as it started happening, ~um,~ in my business, I, I started believing in it a little bit more each time that next person enrolled in was having the success.
It wasn't for me about a number of a person that I was enrolling. It was that they were having success too. ~Um, ~and so every time that somebody enrolled and started having success, I started having fun, whatever, and whatever success was in their books was what I was happy for them. Some people that was moving up the leadership rank, some people that was finding a [00:05:00] community, Some people that was making a few extra hundred dollars a month or whatever it was, it was a success for them.
~Um, and then it started,~ then I started believing in the model way more because I could see firsthand that it was making a difference for the people in our life. So long story short, in about eight months, ~um, that goal was a, that was,~ I hit that goal, which is to rank at the top of the company. ~I was able to, um,~ I gave up my.
Part time position for nursing and went casual, which is really perfect for us. ~Um, ~just for the phase of life. It was a lot. ~We had~ we had 4 kids age 6 and under. ~Um,~ and so just even like being able to be home and get our kids to the activities and afford to do that was huge. ~And so, ~so that is where my belief in the model ~has ~had changed.
And that's why I think this is honestly the best industry to be a part of. Oh man, definitely. Especially when you can have that same focus where it's not just, I mean, can people do really well with this? Absolutely. But I think when people dangle that carrot of like, Oh, you're just going to get rich and it's so easy, it's like, no, it's like, if you bring, you know, the things that bring you joy, you couple that with like the connection piece of and then.
[00:06:00] It's not about what you're trying to get. It's what you're trying to help other people achieve. Exactly. I'm so much more fulfilling, both financially, but also like the freedom wise, like you said, with your time and your schedule. And that's what it's all about. Like that's direct sales done. Right. And you have always exemplified that to me.
So it's. Such a blessing to have you here at Restore for sure. I may have, I had some really good leaders who were also exemplifying that, namely you were one of them. So thank you. Right. I think, yeah, I was very blessed to have really great leadership too, to teach me that. That's so true. Well, I'd love to share more about like our story, because even though you were on my team, you were, I mean, I don't even know, like eight levels or something, maybe six.
I don't even know. It was, you know, kind of down. Obviously we always like had a connection. So I did, I did get to know and work with you, but it's definitely a God thing, how this all came to be for you to be a part of Restore. So I would love for you to kind of share that backstory of how in the world we [00:07:00] got to this place.
You know what? I think that is probably one of the coolest things. And I've been sharing with friends that are, you know, asking about how, how on earth is this even like, you know, did you get a part of this? ~Um, ~and it was really neat. I feel like Heather, I think I texted you at some point. It was like maybe a few months before, even, I don't even know if you were actually like, this was even a thing or even started in your head at the time.
I just texted you for like some advice and you just gave me a phone call and we started, just started chatting about a few things and started talking about You know, maybe working together, ~like, not,~ not anything to do at Restore, but just, you know, getting together, having a little weekend. ~Um,~ and then I remember when ~you, ~you called me and you're like, listen, I've got this thing that ~I'm, I'm,~ I'm working on.
Would you be interested in coming and just, you know, And seeing what it's all about. And I remember when you had, when you told me about it, that was the first night that there was, I had was a part of a different company. They had made an announcement and I was really not, I was unsettled, not sure where I was supposed to go next.
~Um, ~trying to decide if I went back full time into nursing,~ if I, ~but my heart [00:08:00] was really like, I still like, I love nursing, but I also want to have a little bit of that flexibility. And I really still believed in the direct sales model, but I was really trying to seek the Lord for where is the next place.
And every place that I had seen and heard of. didn't feel right. So I was really just sitting and trying to, you know, discern where he would, he'd want me. And so anyway, you called me and just kind of mentioned it. And, and for some reason it wasn't, it was in the very baby phases of it. And in my heart, I was like, this is it.
And I remember going to bed that night and like sleeping well for the first time since we had Found out the news and I was really unsettled of like where I was going to go next or what I was going to do next. This, it was like, the Lord was like, here you go. And also just a little bit of, about that. We started with a little working weekend just to kind of get things started.
~Um,~ And you invited me to that and I was like, it was in the summer, which is when my husband who, like, that's his busiest season. All of our kids were at home from school. ~Um,~ there was a number of things going on. We, I had commitments that were like happening just [00:09:00] after and, ~um, ~I remember just talking to my husband being like, what do you think about me going away for a working weekend?
And he's like, I think that sounds like a great idea. Cause he, He got the vision as I think we might maybe met with you and Roger or met with you. And he was like this, he just felt at peace about this as well. So I had his backing from the very beginning, which was huge. ~Um,~ and so it was really neat to be able to be a part of the very beginning, kind of figuring out those foundational, ~um,~ elements of our values ~and,~ and who we were trying to serve.
And for me, that just solidified that like, this is the absolute right place for me to move forward with. ~Um, ~And so yeah, that's exactly why I've been like the cheerleader in the background ever since, because I'm like, this is, this is a really cool thing that we are starting and, and I can't wait for everyone to hear about it.
Oh my gosh. It's just so cool to hear like your, like you telling the story, but then me also watching as you're telling it, like thinking back to the Lord's goodness and, and weird timing of it, because you did send me a [00:10:00] message. I responded like the exact same day that I got the news from the corporate team and I responded inviting you like in the spirit to kind of a get a working retreat that we were doing specific to that company with a leadership mentorship group that I was running that you weren't a part of not because you wouldn't have been a great fit you actually were close friends with a lot of them but at the same time it was just like the levels it just you weren't part of it but I was like I should invite Whitney.
And so I did. And then literally went right from sending you that message to getting the news about the company, which I was not allowed to share at the time, which was devastating, which meant I had to then cancel that retreat, the original one, because I was like, people do not need to be investing in their money.
Anyway, it was just this big, big mess. So since a lot of us already had that weekend blocked off, you know, from Planning to go not to South Carolina, but to Costa Rica. I was like, well, let's just do it. And the fact that like, you were miraculously able [00:11:00] to come again, ~we.~ You'll know this when we interviewed, ~um,~ Marenda and she shared her story.
She spilled the beans. We always like to say back when it was neosporin. Yes. But that retreat, that working retreat that we, when I say retreat, it was really, like you said, it was like us just getting together and doing the foundational elements, which actually do you recognize that,~ um, ~for those watching on YouTube, do you recognize, I feel like I should go a little closer.
Cause I haven't shown this, but, ~um, ~You recognize that. But I have it all. So here's where it all started. Yes, this was like two days after we decided that in fact, we were doing makeup, but we didn't want to stray from the, for lack of a better word, magic of where it all started back when it was. ~I had a, I had a,~ I remember saying, I am, I'm flying to South Carolina to talk about Neosporin, but I'm really excited about this Neosporin.
I think it's, I think there's something here that's really exciting. It's just, I mean, it's just wild. It really is so wild to watch the [00:12:00] Lord like weave this all together. And it's just,~ um,~ Like when I was praying before we got started, it's just been such a blessing for you to be that cheerleader and that, ~uh, ~that optimist, which is a really good segue into, ~um, ~the next little fun part of our interview, which is sharing your specific gifts.
So I've been doing this with everybody. And it's a way, I think just number one, shout out who the Lord made you to be and how it's uniquely you and where there might be some kind of similarities. There are unique differences in each of us in terms of our gifts and strengths. And so I love the high five test.
com. It's a free assessment that you can go. You know, anybody can go for listening. And it's really cool to be able to see the things that might just seem normal to you, but they're not normal. They're your top gifts that make you who you are and what you can bring to a group or a team like Restore. And so we did this with the founding partner mentors so everybody we could have that like diversity of it.
And so yours, Whitney, I don't know if you remember these or [00:13:00] not, but they are Optimism. Which we share that. Coach, which a lot of you guys shared. I think that's an important, important one for sure. Timekeeper, which is like at the bottom for me. Focus expert, also at the bottom, which is how the Lord, I think, gifted you to be a nurse.
Cause I don't know how, you know, you gotta be focused in that. And then catalyst, which is like, you get it done. Like you said, even if you weren't, didn't come into the business model with big goals, as soon as you like linked arms with some, you know, people who also had big goals and saw a clear path of how to get there, you're like, let's do it.
And dang, if you didn't, so do you feel like those are all like good, ~uh,~ descriptives and are they an accurate reflection of your gifts? I think yes, ~I, um,~ some friends who are close to me might argue the timekeeper might not be, ~um, ~as strong of a gift, mostly because I, I will be there probably like right on time and maybe a minute late, but like I'll just, I try to [00:14:00] stay on track as much as possible and I do, yeah, I think, so if you're listening and you're like, dude, I know that you tend to run a little bit, yes, that is the, maybe the one area I might run a couple minutes late, but I do try and Try and stay a little on track.
So funny. I'm actually the same. Like I'm pretty much always like about a minute late, but not usually more than like five minutes, because if I am, I'm like panicked. You may be kind of similar in that, in that way. Yes. Whereas like at work, some people come to work at seven for a seven 30 start. And I will show up at seven 25 for a seven 30 start.
And that's only, if you can't be ~like, if you can,~ if you're like me, if you can get there at seven 31, like they are going to get, so I love it. ~Um,~ but that's what we need is, you know, just people who've been uniquely gifted, again, the way you are for a reason to give, you know, grace when, with all of that, ~um,~ and to get to know each other too.
That's why I love this test as a leadership. You know, opportunity is for people to [00:15:00] better understand ourselves, but then better understand others as well. So. Now we're going to kind of dive into some of the questions that I've asked everybody. And so sometimes they're not meant to compare. It's meant to just allow you an opportunity to kind of share your unique perspective, your, you know, how you envision your, your culture and your branch.
Meaning when I say branch, like the branch of your beautiful tree,~ um, that, that, or~ the beautiful tree that we're building here with Restore. And that, of course, is going to look different for each person. It's, you know, going to be this beautiful organic thing. And so I like this, these questions as, as a way for you to kind of shine the unique cultures and just the, just the unique facets of your branch.
So the first question I have is for our 12 core values, Which one do you feel like resonates the most with you? I think Oh, I want to pick two. Can I pick two? You can pick two. Yeah. Okay. So,~ I think loyalty Oh, sorry. ~I think [00:16:00] loyalty is really resonates with me. And I think that's because,~ um,~ I'm a person, if I give my word, I'm going to I want to keep it.
And, and I value that. ~Um,~ in the relationships that I, that I make. So loyalties number one, ~um, ~and then I think transparency is another one because I kind of almost, I feel like they go hand in hand because you can't be loyal if you're not going to be transparent ~with, with people. ~With your relationships.
And so ~I, I,~ those are two things that I've really, ~um, ~and maybe just from experience too ~with~ within, ~um,~ corporate and ~with, um,~ within direct sales. Those are things that I think can really help build trust and, ~um,~ and trust is really important to me. So those are my top two. Loyalty and transparency. I love it.
Yeah. Both of those, I think you exemplified. I think that's why you've been able to do so well in your business. Cause they say it's like, there's the know like and trust factor. And when you can focus on that trust as the goals through like loyalty and transparency, like, honestly, ~the, the, ~the sky's the limit.
So I loved it. That answer is good. So the [00:17:00] next question I have is, ~uh,~ what are some of the unique facets that you can envision for your, your branch or for your team? Like, what are the things that you could just see setting, when I say apart, I, again, I don't mean better than, you know, or even vastly different from, because obviously we're all aligned in these, you know, these core values and the mission and vision.
Just how do you see your team being a little, maybe different? ~Um, I think, ~I think~ there's, um, ~It's going to have a unique community feel where everyone has a seat at the table You can show up in your slippers or with baby puke on your shoulder. ~That's~ let's be honest. I I remember yeah When I again like when I built my other Organization I was in the throes of it.
I remember having a baby in a swing Beside me doing you know And so I think that, ~um, ~that community of just showing up as you are, ~um,~ is going to be really important. And I think ~going to set,~ going to set us apart just because there'll be that, that relational aspect of, ~um, just honoring, ~just honoring each other.
[00:18:00] So,~ uh,~ whether that be, ~you know, for close,~ obviously for close, I, we like love getting together and if we're away, we'll have ways to connect through. I mean, thank goodness for, ~for, um, um, ~What is the word? Media? Yeah. For technology. Thank goodness for technology, right? Like it can, I mean, I can interview with you here and we're miles and miles away from one another, but I think that,~ um, that will help us also feel ~that helps you feel closer to the people you're working with.
So I hope that is my goal is to continue to build that, that community so that people feel like they belong somewhere. Yeah. I think community is. Again, a factor you kind of even touched on that of the success of, of your previous organization, like you said. And I think it is, I think it's the most important element because everybody does have different goals and you will have people at Restore that have big goals and you're going to have some people who are just kind of curious or honestly feel led here and maybe haven't felt led to, or have had bad experiences and ~other, you know, and ~other things.
And so just creating that community, ~um,~ I think is, is. That's definitely something I can see being an amazing facet for your team, [00:19:00] so I can't wait. It's gonna be so fun. So the next question is also kind of a tough one, but If you had to describe like, as someone's listening and maybe they don't know any of the founding partner mentors and they're kind of listening, feeling like this little, little tug in their heart of connection, like who is, would you say is like your ideal partner or advocate, but like, who's your dream teamie?
Like if you had to describe her or I guess him, but like, if you just had to describe your, your ideal teamie, what would be the words that you would use? Oh, that is a good question. ~Um, ~I think someone who is,~ um, goal oriented,~ goal orientated, coachable,~ um, ~and dedicated for, I think that if you're coachable, then when you set a goal for Whatever your goal is, you're, you will have greater success of reaching it.
And I, then I can help you. And so ~I think if, you know, I, I mean, if, if I had to make maybe,~ I think we've done this in the past where you kind of have to personify maybe who a dream teammate would be like someone who is [00:20:00] active, maybe you don't have a ton of extra time because you're running your children to and from activities.
You're also trying to juggle probably working a little bit ~about~ outside the home, but you also want something more for your family than to, ~um,~ Be stuck to the nine to five. And so, ~um, ~I think that is because there is so much potential in a business model like this, where you can work it in areas of your life that you set aside deliberately to work.
And you can, you can make a huge difference with that little bit of time. So I want to work with someone who is eager to put in that little bit of extra and go a little bit of an extra mile so that they can make a difference~ for, for the family, ~for their families. Oh, that's so beautifully said. And I know like, I mean, that speaks to my heart.
I'm like, Like that was exactly who I was when I, when I joined this. And I think there are a lot of women that feel that way, that it's like, whether you are like a stay at home mama, which is the toughest job ever from experience, but I can imagine it would be that, or you actually are like an entrepreneur like me or working, you know, whatever it is, like, we're [00:21:00] all busy with something, but like, there's this feeling sometimes it's like, We are made for more and definitely this business model gives that that opportunity.
And so I love that. And it's like, when you partner that coach ability with your coach gift, it's like, watch out. That's a perfect combo. I love it. Well, the last question, and this is, this is kind of a fun one. And I also feel like I have to share that. So we also shared on a previous one. This was kind of a little fun surprise update that, ~um, ~all of the shades ~are, um, ~that we will have At least the colored ones, like meaning like the, the part of the glow step of the makeup edit, which means like eyeshadows, your cheek lips, things like that will all be grandma names.
And so I was just sharing with Whitney, she actually, ~um, ~or we just kind of solidified, ~um,~ and I hope it hasn't rubbed off, but, ~um,~ but this, I think it kind of has, so I'm going to, I'm going to put a little bit more on there so we can see Pauline. Tell me about Pauline as your, ~um,~ this one here. This one's gonna be Pauline.
Oh, it's not so pretty. I love it. It's not so pretty, but tell [00:22:00] me about, ~um, ~Pauline to you. I know this is like a random out of the Well, this is random. Okay, this is fun. ~Um,~ so Pauline was, ~um,~ my granny that,~ um, ~she, I, she was in the same city as me as I grew up, and I spent lots of time with her. I'm pretty sure I mean, as a baby, she was my babysitter when my mom went back to work.
~Um,~ and so she kind of took care of me ~for, um,~ like all day for a few, I don't know how long, a few years until I went to, you know, daycare and school and all that stuff. And so I think we had a special relationship just because of that time that we got to spend together. I remember also,~ um, ~My cousins and I, we had two girl cousins similar age and we would go to granny's house on, I don't know, the weekend, Friday or Saturday night for sleepovers.
And we just, we really spent a lot of time with her. So, ~um,~ she was somebody who just, I think, really built into our life just by, like, the time that we got to spend. ~Um,~ I remember her favorite meal that she served us was butter noodles. It was just egg noodles with butter and salt on them. And I remember like sharing that with my husband.
He's like, that's what's, that's what you're eating. I'm like, yes. And our [00:23:00] children are going to love it too, because it's really great. And, you know, I just remember like having tea with her and playing Yahtzee and just like, just the normal everyday things. ~Um,~ but just somebody who I knew I could rely on.
And, ~um,~ a very busy woman. I remember having to like, ~um,~ schedule times to see her. And when I was in university, I had to call and make sure she'd be around. Cause she had things to do and people to see. And I really appreciated that about her, that she had such a vast network and a community.~ Um, ~even until like the very day she went to, she went to the hospital Passed away a few days later, but that day she had like, her, her son wanted to see her.
She's like, cool, you can come see me and have dinner, but like, I have this in the afternoon and I'm gonna go here in the evening. And so she had dinner ready ~and, ~and, and she ended up going to the hospital and not, ~um,~ coming out. But, ~um,~ but she had, until that very last day, she was like, she was gonna stay in her house and she had, you know, two different.
engagements that she had to do that very last day. And, and I just think, you know, if I, when I grow up, I want to be like her. I want to have that community where, you know, that I'm a part of and, and making a difference [00:24:00] all forever. So, so she's just, yeah, she's a little bit of a spitfire. She'd tell you what she thought.
And, ~um,~ yeah, she was great. Was she a redhead like you? Uh, no, she was not. She's from here. From having redhead myself, there's You're probably the least spitfire redhead that I know. I feel like you're like You don't see me all the time. Ask my husband. Special spiciness to my redheaded loves, including my Mary.
~Um,~ but Pauline sounds So special. And so amazing. And I think that's one of the reasons that, you know, we really wanted to do it as like, these colors are truly like inspired by those, those women that have made such an impact on our lives. And so I love it. It's going to be, it's going to be perfect. So on the product note, this is our last little question.
What product are you most excited about now that you've gotten to get your hands on some things? Like what gets you the most excited? The ointment, hands [00:25:00] down the ointment. I am so excited. I have been like, if I could tell anyone, yes, this one here, this beautiful product. If you are not, if you're watching on YouTube, you can just see that one that Heather held up.
It's first of all, ~the package,~ everything about it is beautiful. But for me, it's like the most practical product that like, I've used it on me. I've used it on my husband. I've used it on my kids. It's, it's to the point where they're like, Oh, this happened. And I should probably get. The ointmend. I'm like, yes, you should today.
Just before this interview, I burnt my neck. I threw some on, it took the sting away. Like it's just, it's just the most amazing product. And I feel like it's a very versatile product that literally anyone in your family could use. And I think, I think you're going to be over the moon when you finally get your hands on it.
So good. Oh my gosh. I love that answer. And it's funny. Cause that's been our experience with having it. ~Um, ~you know, we we've shared. I know at least with the focus group and some other things that's like, it was developed by molecular biologists that our family's known [00:26:00] for like a decade probably. And so I've had like the tubes of it of, well, our formulation is specifically made for us, but I've had tubes that included the molecule, you know, for years.
And it's always kind of been, again, our go to neosporin which is where that's all, you know, kind of started. But it's been really cool because I don't even think I realized all of the ways. And like, through you guys being able to try it as a focus group, like for example, the itching, I remember, I think Somebody in your family had a bug, bug bite or something.
And you're like, took the itching away. I was like, it takes itching. Dang, if it doesn't, I'm like, and it doesn't have like, at one point when we were, when the whole company was going to be based around, I was like, ~we'll put it with, um, what is it antihistamine? What's the itching create or I should know this or like it's antihistamine or hydrocortisone hydrocortisone.~
~I was like,~ we'll mix it with hydrocortisone and you know, all that. Well, it's like, I mean, we can still do that one of these days, but this really does, if it's a bug bite or something that's itching or like anything, it's like, you just, just pop a little bit of it on it and it'll take away that sting.
It'll gently. So it is good enough for your kids. And so, yeah, I just, I love that. Like, technically you got really excited about that at the beginning, especially with your nursing, you know, medical background, [00:27:00] but yet like now, even having tried all the other fun things, it's like, you're still excited.
That's really cool. It starts and ends with ointmend. That's awesome. Oh my gosh. Well, this has been so fun. I have loved, you know, sharing your story and hearing your heart. And I'm just so excited to continue doing this with you. ~Um,~ but I'd love to invite you to wrap up the call with a prayer for those that are listening, ~um,~ just as they go on about their busy days together.
~Um,~ so I'd love for you to pray. I'd love to. Thank you. Heavenly Father, I just thank you, um, for this opportunity to be here and to share our excitement about this amazing company. Um, thank you for the guidance that you've given both Roger and Heather and, um, the rest of us who are coming alongside to help.
Um, God, we thank you for the ways that you've been working. And the ways that you continue to work. Um, we just know that this is, so this is all from you and we want to give you all the glory. We just pray that if there's somebody listening today who, um, is feeling like [00:28:00] they're getting a tug on their heart, um, to be a part of this in some way, Lord, I just pray that they take that next step and, and go ahead and fill out that survey and just start learning more about this amazing company that you've got your hand in.
And we just pray as everyone goes on with the rest of their day, Lord, that you would be with us and, um, Yeah. God, we love you. In your name. We pray. Amen. Amen. Oh man, that was so good. And I love that you, you know, reminded people that if you do want to just learn more or kind of follow along, go deeper, make sure to check out the focus group survey that will be linked in the description of you're watching on YouTube or the show notes if you're watching or listening on Apple or Spotify or wherever you listen to podcasts, ~um,~ it will be there.
And then of course, if you, if you love Whitney and want to, you know, get more plugged into Her specific focus group, which is where she'll be sharing continued, all kinds of business and inside stuff, and just getting to know her heart and also the heart of some amazing people that are, are going to be linking arms with, with Whitney as well and her team.
And ~so, um,~ just check that link, check Whitney's box. [00:29:00] If, if she felt like she could be a great mentor for you. And, and I know her heart like mine is that there's freedom, ~you know,~ and, ~um, ~abundance and, you know, whatever you decide. To do and with whomever you decide to do it with, with restore. We're just really excited to have you listening and learning more following on the journey with us.
So, thank you thanks for having me. Yes. All right. Well, bye guys. Y'all have a great week. ~ ~ ~ ~