154 | Meet the Founding Partner Mentor: Raelynn Reimer
[00:00:00] Okay, friends. So are you ready for another interview with one of our founding partner mentors? And this week is, I am so excited to introduce you to somebody that I've been dying to interview on this podcast because she is, has been one of the top leaders on my team in the past. But not just with our prior company, she has built teams of thousands and high levels of leadership in other companies.
And she's been a part of four. I'm gonna let her tell the whole story prior to restore collective, but this chick is a rock star. That's all I can say. Like she just Continues to blow me away with her servant hearted leadership. And that even still continues to this day with her team, even though she has, ~um,~ has not been able to continue that role in her company.
So I can't wait to see what she's going to do with restore. And I can't wait for you to hear her story. [00:01:00] So Raylynn Reimer, I'm so excited to have you here, girl. I'm so excited to be a part of this. I've just like been waiting to be able to chat with you. So this is so fun for me. Although it's so hard because there's so many things I feel like every time we talk, there's so much we could catch up about, but I know record [00:02:00] to kind of capture it all live you guys.
And that's the best part of a podcast is the ~spontaneity, a~ spontaneity of it all. So let's do them for those who don't know you. And I'm sure a lot of people listening do, but if they don't know you and your heart, tell us the backstory for how direct sales and network marketing industry has really impacted the lives of you and your family.
Okay, well, first off, ~um, ~I am a mom to three boys, so my twins are seven, ~uh, ~my eldest just turned eleven, which is insane to me. I've been married to my husband for seventeen and a half years, and, ~um, ~This, direct sales really came to me out of the blue about 13 years ago. ~Um, ~so I was way before I had my kids and my sister had just, had just called me up and was like, have you tried this?
You need to try it. And I've always been the type of person that if I find something I love, whether it be my favorite Starbucks drink or what I found at Walmart, I just want people to, Better like I want them to better their lives in like quote unquote to take restores little tagline [00:03:00] And so I just want to share it and so that's really how I started was just kind of dabbling and sharing the product And what I thought was so cool as I started In this industry was seeing how my heart really aligned with this industry in the sense that I've always been quite a go getter.
I'm my daddy's daughter. I'm like all in. ~Um, ~but I also had this side of me that really wanted to just really go into motherhood and be able to be there for school drop off and school pickup and all of the little things and I wasn't ever sure how I would amalgamate the two because I didn't want to work outside of the home but I also knew that I wouldn't feel fulfilled if I didn't have something else that I was pouring into outside of motherhood.
And I know many women feel that they just want to be a stay at home mom and I think that is incredible because it's the most [00:04:00] amazing job and most important job in this entire world. But for me, I needed, I knew I would need to step into something entrepreneurially or something. And so that's what I've loved about this industry is that I get to set my own goals.
I get to set my own schedule, and I get this level of creativity that I wouldn't have had in the outside jobs that I had before getting into direct sales. ~Um,~ I hated people setting, like, a schedule for me. ~I, like, it just low, I, ~I was in the service industry. Waiting on tables for years and years and years and I hated every week when they would send me my schedule And I was like what it's a nice day today.
I don't have to do that So the fact that I get to now set my own schedule Show up creatively in a unique way to who I am and portray and share the products And it's the company that I love Is just is what I really truly love about this industry and what is sets it apart for so many women that come to this is that they [00:05:00] get to show up exactly who they are, and that's what makes.
~That ~them sharing that product unique is that it's not just the product for each person. It's who they are and their own identity that God has given them that they get to then pour into creatively ~and,~ and just impact the lives of other women around them. Oh my gosh. I love that. And I feel like something that you touched on, one of my mentors said that some will, when it comes to this business, meaning some will do it.
Some won't, which is totally fine. There's freedom in that. But yes, all could. And what I love about your story is like your heart for why you did it. It wasn't just to go make a bunch of money or build some big team. And I know we were chatting before that, like you, it was kind of a build up to the leadership levels in ~each of your,~ each of your companies, but essentially it was like bringing.
All of you and your strengths to a place to be able to serve your family. And then through that, the unexpected connection, I know that I feel like everybody [00:06:00] experiences when they dive into this business is the relationships and the personal growth and all of that,~ that,~ that comes along with actually the business model itself.
And so. ~Um,~ I just love that your heart has been in the right place from the beginning. And so it's no wonder that the Lord has blessed, blessed you and your sweet family through this journey. And I'm excited to see what he continues to do for you. Yeah. And I think that, I think it's been a huge learning curve too.
I mean, it's been 13 years of learning this. So I didn't step into a level of leadership until many, many years. And I really truly believed I just failed forward. And And in that, along that road, I really learned some things that I didn't love about this industry, or the way I was told to do it, that maybe ended up making me feel icky, and I didn't love cold calling people, or making them feel pressured, because just like you said, some will, some won't, all could.
But for those that won't, well, I mean, not all of us can be doctors, and nor should we, like, all of us be doctors. Or there wouldn't be [00:07:00] people that, you know, are ringing up our groceries at the grocery store or at the post office. We're all called and created for such different things. And so, that was the thing that really irked me in the beginning, is this idea of everyone should and why wouldn't you?
~Because, ~because not all of us have been called to do that. And so that's my heart. And as I've grown in leadership, realized that like, Oh, I don't have to, people don't need to be pressured to do this. If it's for them, they will know fully and they will step into it or at least try. And those that don't, that's amazing because they shouldn't.
Oh my gosh, you know, I love everything about that. So I totally agree. Well, let's fast forward to, ~um, ~this summer because some things happened and when we first kind of started having the conversation about Restore, ~um,~ this wasn't necessarily something that right away the Lord was calling you to, and it was kind of like this slow build and momentum to where it became clearer and clearer.
So tell us the story of how Restore came [00:08:00] into your life. ~Uh,~ well, this is quite the story, but to sum it up, ~uh,~ this year was quite difficult. ~Um, ~leading from last December, ~um,~ into the new year, we really struggled with my son, my eldest son, who really struggles with, ~um, ~really high anxiety. And so he missed a ton of different, of school.
And so there was just that pressure of, ~of, um, ~really stewarding a child through this severe anxiety. which led into May, ~um, ~where he ended up getting ill. And after three emergency visits, we finally took him to the fourth emergency room where they found a large abscess that was displacing his brain. And he was sent into emergency brain surgery, ~um,~ which led it into a second emergency brain surgery.
And we just spent a lot of the summer In the hospital, ~just~ truly just,~ um,~ hanging on to the hem of Jesus because we had nothing left. And so, ~um,~ when the, the night that, ~uh,~ Declan was discharged, ~um, it was~ the day after was when, ~um, ~We were [00:09:00] sent an email saying that, ~um,~ my business was no longer going to be operating in the way that it did.
I was, ~um,~ removed from that leadership position. And so in that process, I was just so numb. ~Um,~ not only had I just about lost a child, I had also lost my job. And, ~uh,~ it was really a place of There's no other word just to say it was a lot of trauma and, ~um,~ hardship. And so when you approached me about this, it was shortly after that.
And I think I was just honest with you, like, this sounds amazing. I'm so excited for you, but I am in no place to make any decisions. And really, ~um, something that, ~something that I've really learned about myself and about God through this all was that he rarely answers why questions. But he often will answer, ~uh, ~what do you want me to know about this right now?
And so this through Declan's whole thing, ~um,~ there was so [00:10:00] many times where I could have been on my knees being like, why God, why? And I absolutely had those or those moments. But what really kept me going was just asking. What do you want me to know about this right now? In those moments of, like, terror or fear, it was like, Okay, God, what do you want me to know about this right now?
And that's what really brought me along through it all. And so that's really how I approached this when you came to me. I knew that my summer season going into September ~What ~God had, ~had~ pressed upon my heart was that that season wasn't for me to jump into something brand new to make any ~life change, like~ big life decisions.
But what I was supposed to do was focus on my family and healing us from the inside out. And so, I think I was pretty honest with you with that, and just saying, that's where I am right now, but I will follow along. I don't want to be taken out of this conversation, but I don't have much to bring you right now, because I'm just really focusing on my family in that.
[00:11:00] And, As I kept asking, okay, what do you want me to know about this now? What do you want me to know? And the more that I was witnessing what you were bringing to the table and your values and, ~uh,~ how ~this whole fit,~ this whole restore process was just so founded on faith, I just, I couldn't, I couldn't look away.
There was no door closed. It was like, God was just like, walk through it, just walk through it. And I. I was sitting in church one day, and the word restore just dropped in my mind. And it wasn't, it wasn't even about the business right away, it was just the word. So I was, I didn't go to the company, I think we had just, you had just settled on that name for it.
So it wasn't the first thing that came to my mind. But I did come across the, ~um, ~verse. In Joel, where he says, you know, I will restore to you the years the Locusts ~have ~have taken, and then restored, the company dropped in my mind, and it was just so profound to me that [00:12:00] the Locusts had taken a lot from our family this year, but God's His desire for us is so much bigger and the plans he has for us is so much better.
And the one verse that I held on to this summer, and I thought it was just the most bizarre verse to hold on to in this, in this season, but it was Psalm 27:14 and it says, I am confident of this. ~I. ~I will see the goodness of God in the land of the living, be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.
And I just knew that God is good. It doesn't matter in the, even if, or the, even when God is good in all things. And so the restore has really been that weaving of everything together of that goodness that I was waiting for. ~Um, and, ~and him saying. This is what I had for you. It is so much better than where you were [00:13:00] before.
And not even just because of from company to company, but from my heart and where I was and my, my hope and desire to lead a team in this company, I think ~will be, ~will be, and I hope different than how I've led teams in the past because of that scraping clean and, and just the realization and understanding that the Lord has given me through this year.
Ohh my gosh Being able to hear you just weave so beautifully the Lord's goodness and sovereignty over what I know were the hardest. And I know you've been through some tough things, you know, even outside of that, but this, to go from that kind of a tough season, and even like where we, when we first started talking about that, to then see you now, before the company's even started, before you even like built a team, before you even like made a dime from this, like to see the goodness that he's bringing to your heart and not, not in [00:14:00] terms of the way the world sees you, But in a way that he grows us closer to him and you shared some brilliant nuggets of wisdom in our chat.
We have like a prayer chat with all of us today and it just struck right to my heart because that's, that's exactly. I mean, yes, we're building a company and Yes, we're creating an amazing makeup and skincare line. And yes, we are going to help a lot of people build some amazing businesses, but ultimately what we're doing is growing closer to the Lord and we're allowing him to refine us to be more like him.
And you, my friend are a beautiful example of that. So thank you. Oh, thank you. I think that what I, what I see through this is that, ~oh, I just lost my train of thought. I totally lost my train of thought. But I just,~ I just see how, yeah, just how God is weaving everything together. And that what I've learned over this year is that so often, it's easy to take your job and create and make it your identity.
And if that's what I do, and [00:15:00] that's who I am. And What I've learned over the last while is that I, I very easily can jump into that because when I see an open door and God's like, go for this, I go for it. And sometimes to the detriment of my own self, because I'm like, I'm all in, we're going to make this work.
And, and then realizing that I have actually taken that on as my own identity. And this past year ~is,~ is really made known to me that what I do, the job I do. Is not who I am, it's what I do, but it's not who I am and what makes the job a part of my identity is partnering with Christ in it and allowing him to work through me in it.
And that's what I really, truly hope that I can bring ~to~ as a Founding Partner Mentor working alongside you and Roger, but also bringing that alongside, ~uh,~ a brand new team is helping them really. understand and believe in their identity, who they've been [00:16:00] created to be in the image of Christ, and allowing that to shine forward and not trying to live up to a certain expectation or Or reach a certain rank if you want to, but really truly do it from a place of who they are and who they've ~made to be ~made to be so good.
And I love you even answered one of my consistent questions. So, you know, the first part of these interviews are kind of just letting the conversation flow and getting to know you and you've done that so beautifully. So now I want to shift into some of the questions that are the same questions I'm kind of asking everybody just so people can get a picture and I'm going to kick it off with a bit of a surprise, which, which I guess won't be a surprise before we do to these and people listen, but for you, it's a surprise.
I am going to be sharing the five strengths. That, ~um,~ on your founding partner mentor application, which is just a scary way to say, like, you know, okay, like, yes, I think I want to do this, or I know I want to do this. Like, here's, here's a little bit more about me, which was helpful in determining just the [00:17:00] diversity ~within,~ within the group, ~um,~ and the beautiful, ~um, ~group of ladies that we've, we've chosen.
So your strengths from the high five test. com, which is my favorites, free, simple way to just get a quick glimpse of like who the Lord made you to be naturally gifted when it comes to leadership. And so yours are Coach, Believer, Deliverer, Catalyst, and Commander. So how do you feel about this? Like when you, when you saw that, and did you remember him and like, what, like, do you agree?
I, I didn't remember all of them, but I commander always makes me feel a little like, what it is in my mind. I really do think that, ~um,~ a coach is definitely something that, that resonates with me. I mean, ~I've been,~ I have been certified as a coach and I did that. In an effort to allow me to show up as a better leader for those that [00:18:00] I'm leading is to be able to truly hear what they are saying and what ~they,~ their specific needs are rather than me just telling them what to do, but I would, I would say those, those five words are pretty accurate.
To who I am. Well, and what's wild is I feel like they absolutely describe the story of your journey in both network marketing and restore that it's like believer. I mean, these are, I don't even know what order they're technically in, but like, it's like, you're a believer first. Right. And this isn't even specifically referencing like a faith based belief, but it's like, when you believe in something, you believe in something and you, and so then when you feel that calling, which I meant to say too, that for those who have, aren't there yet, RaeLynn at one point was not there yet.
So I hope that gives you the freedom to know that that's okay too, whether it's restore or another opportunity or whatever it is like. You know, whether or not you are a believer in Christ, like if you are a believer, like you'll know when something aligns with your vision. And even if you don't have the full picture, just like you, none of us do at this point.
Right. But like, we do have the clarity for the moment, like you [00:19:00] said, ~um,~ cause that's exactly what the Lord can give. But then once you get that girl, you get it done. Like you're a deliverer, you're a catalyst, but then when you couple that with the fact that you are a commander and a coach, I mean, you can show somebody else how to do it.
You can teach with authority. I mean, these are some strong leadership skills, girl. It's no, no shocking,~ um,~ thing that you have done as well as you have in this business. So, well, thank you. That's awesome. Okay. So the next question is around our 12 core values, which of course, if you, if you've been listening to these podcasts, we kind of broke each one and I know you've been listening, but the listeners, if they have been listening, we've broken each of them down and why we chose it.
So I'm curious for you, which one resonates the most for you. I really thought about this hard, and it was hard for me to choose just one. So I chose three, but I will focus on one because I think that what we've already chatted about is probably quite obvious that, ~um, ~biblical wisdom and family are two of the most important things to me.
~Um,~ but I've talked a lot about that, so the other one that I [00:20:00] really want to focus on is transparency. And transparency to me is just So important as a value within a company,~ uh, because you just know, uh, I think I'm,~ I come from a communications background. I have my degree in rhetoric and communications, and so to be able to communicate and things to be transparent and you to.
You be able to know what's coming, ~um,~ or what's not, the ability to show up vulnerably and know that you won't be judged for it, ~uh,~ that's just so important to me, ~uh,~ is to be transparent both, both personally, but also professionally. So that is a huge, a huge core value that means a lot to me. I love that.
That was one of the ones. And of course, for those who've listened to that podcast, it's like, I feel like the Lord has had to grow my heart in that way because as an achiever, ~um,~ who's then become, you know, I always like to say I'm a recovering achiever, but I think that, you know, that, that God given ambition is, is obviously a natural gift, but, but I could try, I could sometimes have a tendency to gloss [00:21:00] over the, the bad or the hard or the realities of things and, you know, kind of focus on it or just hold it back.
Yeah. The Lord has really shown me already in this journey that this transparency piece is so vital because like, whether it's the vulnerability between the relational aspects of this business, like you said, the personal side, or just communicating the challenges or, you know, that will come, like, we are not promised that everything will be easy in this world.
You know, we are promised that the Lord will be with us through the troubles and through the valley. And, and so. You know, it's, it's not that everything's gonna be easy, but when we make decisions, whatever that looks like, it's like through us as a corporate team, but then also ~But, you know, like, I can't say that I've been ~through people just like you.
It's like we can communicate that down in a way that hopefully helps people understand and feel a part of the decisions as opposed to, like, being confused and unclear on why things are the way they are. Yeah, and I think a part of that transparency piece as well is being transparent, but from a [00:22:00] place of abundance.
Yeah. And. And so you can absolutely be transparent and that's even been my whole own hope personally sharing the story of Declan Is that because it can be really heavy that was really hard walking through that so to be transparent and vulnerable about that But also coming at it from a place of abundance and hope and God's goodness as opposed to like this sucks Life sucks We'll never get out of this.
And so that's also really important to me. And I have in the past, and I know I will going forward, is that transparency piece is so important. But I'm also transparent that, you know, negativity doesn't belong here. So ~bring,~ bring what you have. Bring that transparency to us. And those concerns and the things that are weighing on your heart.
But also don't live there. We're not going to live there. We're going to go forward, and ~we're going to go to a, uh, um, you know,~ we're going to go to the land of the living where goodness lies. That's where we're going. So good, so good. Well, I feel like the next question you've talked a lot about, which is how [00:23:00] your branch, which is funny, every time I say the branch, I think it's like a bank branch, but at the same time, When I say the branch, it's like the gorgeous, you know, uniquely organic, beautiful branches that are growing from our strong, ~um,~ roots of the company and values.
~Um,~ and I know each one of those little branches will look or big branches will look different. ~Um, ~and that's a good thing. So I'm curious if there are outside of the things that you've already talked about, if there are any things that you think might be a little different for your branch of our beautiful tree.
Well, I mean, I don't know how other founding partner mentors are showing up, but I know for myself, one thing that's also important to me is just the idea of collaboration. I don't love, ~um, ~how sometimes this industry can become a hierarchy and where, you know, leadership is looked on as like, The be all and end all.
And I'm very much not like that. God has given each one of us different giftings. And that's why we are all called the body of Christ. So I can show up with those five things that you named [00:24:00] about me, but there's a whole list of other things that weren't in my strengths. And so to be able to lean on one another, regardless of where our rank is or what our leadership level is or how we've chosen to run this business, every single person brings something extremely valuable and unique.
To the business, and so that's something I'm really hoping at that. We can lean on one another and build one another up in this both personally and professionally. Yes. I mean, we are always so much better together. And I know my mentor, Brett Blake taught me that some of the best systems or even sometimes like the hero product for companies come from someone in the field.
And sometimes it's someone who's like brand new, that's kind of ignorance on fire, but maybe they just kind of have an outside out of the box. Way of thinking. And so our goal is to be able to equip the field with like simple systems and simple structure that gives people a comfort level that they can like, Oh, okay.
Step one, step two, step [00:25:00] three along the way, but it's kind of like how you do those steps or, you know, the way you can bring your own individuality, creativity, gifts, and skill sets. I think that's, what's going to become more beautiful as this tree grows is seeing the different personalities and the different strengths make it all better.
Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, I love that. So if you had to describe your ideal dream teamie, or, you know, partner advocate, because I know you are very strong online and very strong, you know, when it comes to social media, and so you have a lot of connections there as well. And so I know you are passionate about both sides of our comp plan with the advocate program, sharing what you love without the pressures of the team building side, but then also for people like you who want to kind of marry those strengths and gifts and lean into the leadership.
Personal development and helping others grow their business. But what would you say are some words to describe your dream partner and or advocate? My dream teamie would be someone who, [00:26:00] regardless of experience, they don't have to be somebody who comes in and knows all the things and has done this before, but someone who is not afraid to get their hands dirty and step outside of their comfort zone.
~Uh, ~somebody who is very goal oriented and is like, I'm going to try this even if I fail forward, even if things don't quite work out the way I expected to in the beginning. But I know and I believe that I can make it work because others have before me. And so, I don't know if I have like a complete avatar, like a certain age demographic or any of that kind of stuff.
But it's somebody who is like, I want to build this business. I want to be able to better my family. I want to be able to share products that I so fully believe in that ~I, there,~ it would actually be a disservice for me not to share it with other people because their lives would be better if they were trying this.
And so that's really, I think who my dream teamie is regardless of whether they want [00:27:00] to only do that as an affiliate, ~um,~ and passionately pursue that. Or like, I want to build into other women like I do. I love, that is one of my most passionate pieces of this industry, is being able to build into other women and help them build that confidence in themselves that I see in them from the get go.
And I'm like, oh girl, you've got this! You've just gotta believe in yourself enough to just try. And, ~um,~ so yeah, that would be who my dream teamie is. I love it. Okay. I'm throwing in a question that's not, it's not on the list, but like, if, you know, it's something I would have loved to have asked you like on a prior to this even kind of podcast.
And so I'm going to ask what you're like, because you, you do have a big following online and you work with a lot of people either on your team or, you know, sideline teamies. You have a lot of friends that, that grow big followings online. Okay. How do you think, and not everybody is gifted in that coach, you know, commander leadership style, and that's exactly why we created that advocate role, [00:28:00] but for someone who's struggling with maybe wanting that for themselves, like they, they want to be able to pour into people, but they also are kind of relying on putting a presence.
~Um, you know, ~on social media, basically. So it's hard to duplicate. It's hard to have the time or find the time to make those connections. So what would be your advice for someone who maybe already has a strong following or loves content creation, but it's trying to balance that with serving a team well, I think what is really important in that is, ~uh, ~Knowing that you first and foremost, most are not that person's.
boss in a way. And so this type of job is a job that we all volunteer for. ~We're not, you know, you're not, you're not signing, ~you're not going to an interview and hoping you get the job. You just, you make a decision for yourself and you jump into it. And of course, your leaders are there to help you and help you thrive and grow.
~And, ~but from the person who is unsure if they can [00:29:00] take on that leadership role, it's to remind yourself that. That not everything relies on you that they're just like I said before this collaboration. I know that we're working on systems together to help ladies bloom and grow within this business that a leader wouldn't have to create on her own that she can utilize and lean into and support.
And so it's more of a direction, ~um, ~a direction role rather than like. Okay, I need to take this infant and make sure they survive into adulthood. So that would be my, my biggest thing is that if you're unsure, is don't be afraid to share what this business has done for you. Because you never know that, yes, the product is amazing, but you never know what that woman who is following you, ~um,~ is really truly needing in her life.
And it might just be, You know, a couple hundred dollars more just so that she can feed her family through the month. And you just don't know. And so like [00:30:00] I said, it's a disservice to not share a product you love. I also think it's a disservice not to share a business opportunity that you are a part of, whether you're a part of as an advocate or as a partner, because you just don't know where all of the people that are following you, what their life circumstances, and this could truly change their lives.
So. ~Um, take, step,~ step down from that,~ that, um, ~idea that you have to be the be all and end all for this person and, you know, give them everything you know, ~um,~ and also just to be vulnerable and share what this business has done for you, ~um,~ because it could be life changing for someone else. That's so good.
I love it. I think that's such a great answer. I knew you'd have some wise for those listening that feel that way. So, all right, we're going to do one more question and this is a fun one. So you've had a chance to get your hands, ~um,~ in some of the new product goodies. So I'm curious to know what product you are most excited about.
Oh my word. Kate, this is the hardest question you asked. As I was like going through, I'm like, what [00:31:00] would it be? Because The whole system is amazing. I didn't, I was saying this to someone before, I didn't think that I could find something better and I totally believe that I have, I love that this makeup moves and looks and feels like skin, but can I choose two?
Yes. Okay. The first thing is the Prime Protect. This is what goes under your makeup. It is like taking a silkworm's best silkiness and lathering it, not even lathering because it goes on like silk, and just gently spreading it across your face. It is the most amazing thing. If I could put it on multiple times per day, I would.
Plus it has an SPF in it. So, I mean, How can you go wrong? So, and it makes your, your makeup just stay all day. So, that, and also, I have, I need to like just sing this one from the [00:32:00] rooftops, but the, ~um, the elixir, ~the skin elixir. Oh my word. I, I use it day and night. I don't know if that's too much, but I am just lathering my face in it.
And I can honestly say, I was using high end, high end skincare before this, and my skin has not looked better since I've started using the Skin Elixir. It is amazing. So good. I completely agree. Cause I'm not a skincare junkie. I'd realize I'm starting a skincare and makeup and makeup obsessed, literally my life, but skincare, not so much, but I have been getting regular facials with an esthetician that I trust, you know, each month.
And I just had bought whatever she, she told me to buy. And so I've used some, like you use some expensive, You know, name brand stuff. And I mean, I think I have seen a difference like over the years since I've been developing these products and just, honestly, just using what we have, our double cleanse, ~um,~ which [00:33:00] was funny cause it was something I initially wanted.
And then I would put it back down the line and then I was like, okay, wait, no, it's got to come back. Cause I'm obsessed and my daughter's obsessed and I'm excited about that. But then the elixir in particular, I think has absolutely transformed my skin. Unlike. Any other product that I've used. And what's cool is it can integrate with the other things you're already using, or if you're like me and you're lazy, or again, I'm trying to make sure it all works and not confuse it by integrating too much stuff.
It's like all I need, which is just so cool. I totally agree. And which I, which I think is so amazing because I think a lot of ladies do have their own skincare routines. And so this is just that one product that you can add in. And oh my word, it's going to change your whole life and then you're going to want everything.
Because it is so good. I'm so excited. Oh my goodness. Okay, well we're going to wrap up. But I would love to invite you, Raelynn, to pray with those that are listening just as we finish today. All right. Okay. Lord, thank you so [00:34:00] much for this opportunity with Heather and Roger. I thank you that you have placed such an incredible, ~uh, ~dream in their hearts that they are just bringing to fruition.
I thank you for leading the way, and I thank you for every single listener and those that Eventually partner with restore whether it as it's as a loyal customer or as an advocate or as an as a partner I just pray for each one of their hearts and their minds that you would Just so intricately make them aware of who they are and who you've created them to be And make them so Um, so wrapped up in the identity that you've given them that they just can't help but share that with others, um, and help build confidence with those around them as well.
I just pray, uh, protection over Heather and Roger as they lean into this next phase of building this business. And I thank you that [00:35:00] we can be here today. Amen. Amen. Oh my goodness, friend. That was amazing. Thank you so much for taking the time to share your story. Of course. Anytime. Yay. And make sure to fill out the focus group survey if you haven't already.
I know I meant to drop that plug earlier, but check it out. If you want Raelynn as your family partner, make sure you can just check your little box or you can just continue to stay tuned, ~um,~ until the Lord makes it clear to you, ~um, ~your next steps with Restore or whatever that might be. So thank you for listening and thank you again, Raelynn.
Thanks for having me. ~ ~