153 | Meet the Founding Partner Mentor: Tabatha Rewis
~ Guys,~ [00:00:00] I am so excited for y'all to meet my dear friend, Tabitha Rewis. And we go way back and we'll definitely be sharing more of our story and our journey togetHer and how I am so thrilled to officially welcome Her as a founding partner mentor for Restore Collective. And you'll see why wHen you Hear Her Heart, but also I have to say watching Tabitha soar as a leader, Especially in some of tHe hardest times of our business over tHe last year and tHe way sHe has stepped up and actually is still serving Her team, even though sHe's not getting paid a dime on tHem.
SHe still has tHe kind of servant Heart that really exemplifies everything that we are doing Here with restore. And so sHe's an amazing leader. Uh, sHe has a super strong background, not just in direct sales, but in leading women through Her church with Her pastor, husband, Jerry. But I want Her to be able to tell you all about Her story and Her journey.
So Tabitha, thank you so much for being Here today. [00:01:00] Thank you so much for tHe invitation. Yes. Oh, and this is super cool. Tabby, as I call Her [00:02:00] Tabby, ~um, ~is also a podcast host. So sHe's tHe host of tHe Everyday Imperfect podcast. And so you definitely have to cHeck that out. I'll make sure to link it because sHe is, sHe is good y'all.
SHe, sHe shares gold and sHe's also an author. ~Um, ~Her book, sHe's written, ~uh,~ Bible studies and some really, really great devotional books, but sHe just came out with Her first memoir, which is just, I mean, I, I read it honestly in one sitting cause I could not put it down. So sHe is amazing. And I'll let you kind of share more about that too.
But Tabby, thank you for being Here. Yes, ma'am. I'm excited. Yay! Well, I want to kick off just so people can kind of get to know you, ~um,~ cause your story is actually similar to mine, but maybe tell us like your journey prior to direct sales and kind of guide us and weave us through that. Maybe even some Hesitations that you had about kind of diving back into it with this last hooray that we've been a part of for, for years togetHer.
~Um, ~and tHen how it's ultimately how tHe Lord's worked it togetHer for good and, and tHe, and tHe changes you've seen in your life. Well, it can [00:03:00] be quite tHe long story, so I hope you're ready. ~But, um,~ so I dabbled a little bit in direct sales wHen, ~um, ~I was a lot younger wHen my son was just a baby. And tHen I kind of got out of it, dabbled in it again, and wound up being tHe same company that I went through twice.
~Um,~ and honestly, both times I was, uh, Kind of, well, I was burned to be honest. THere was a lot of pressure put on me. And, ~um,~ to tHe point that like my husband, if I had even mentioned doing direct sales again, who'd have been like, tHere's no way we can, He's like tHe most supportive person I know. He is absolutely like, He is.
My biggest sponsor, so to speak, but He would absolutely not have Heard about, ~um,~ any direct sales thing that would have, ~uh,~ put tHe pressure on me again, tHe way those, that first one did. But, ~um, ~wHen I was a little bit older and my son was. He was nearing tHe end while He was in high school, [00:04:00] and we had been lead pastors for our church for several years at that point and we've been in ministry, our entire married life, 26 years, this year.
~So, um. ~I don't know if you guys know this, but most of tHe time ministers and especially pastors do not get paid what people think tHey get paid. And wHen you're trying to make ends meet with, with a family, especially a teenage boy, a family. It can be quite difficult. So not only do I work outside of tHe home and always have, but it had gotten to tHe point that I knew that we needed a supplemental income.
And so wHen I first joined this otHer direct sales company that, wHere I met HeatHer, ~um, ~I did it really for tHe money because we needed that extra income and that was tHe only thing as a busy mom and a minister and married to a minister and tHere's no way I was missing out on my boys high school years, you know, [00:05:00] that was tHe only way I could figure out to have an extra income and not miss out on everything that I needed.
So I started with this otHer company. and absolutely loved it. ~Um,~ was it was a complete blessing. And I went in knowing that even if, if I just did a little bit every day, at least I was doing something. And that's kind of my mindset to begin with, just do something every day. ~Um,~ I didn't have to scale Mount Everest every day.
I just had to do something every day. And, ~um,~ it, it was a very much a blessing. I got to tHe point that I was able to start paying some monthly bills that we needed taken care of. And it had gotten to tHe point that kind of by surprise I realized that even if I didn't need tHe money at that point, even if I didn't need that, tHere's no way I would quit.
wHere I was because I, even though I was surrounded by people [00:06:00] almost every day of tHe week, ~um,~ I was leading a very, very lonely life and I didn't realize just how lonely I had really gotten until I found kind of my tribe, my team that I was a part of. And tHese are people who honestly didn't know me from Adam one day, but because we were thrown togetHer into a team situation, tHey lifted me up.
And I lifted tHem up and we were just supporting each otHer. And I didn't realize how badly I needed that ~until this, um,~ until I became part of tHe team wHere I ultimately met HeatHer, ~um,~ now in that, ~um, ~tHe Lord started blessing us and it was, and I'll say He blessed my business because not to give away too much, but my husband hasn't had a pay increase.
So He was blessed in tHe business that God was blessed in tHe business for sure. But, ~um,~ my husband is a little bit older than me and tHe year that He turned 50, I was like, you know what? I've got to do something. I've got to do something to bless this man because He has been my cHeerleader. [00:07:00] I call him my enabler of all good things on my podcast.
~Um,~ but. Because He's been such a blessing to me. I want to do something for him. This is his 50th birthday. And it was kind of between a Harley Davidson or a trip to Israel. I was like, I'm going to set my sights high. And this is like a once in a lifetime trip to Israel. ~Um, ~something that Jerry, my husband had always, always dreamed of.
And I decided tHe Harley Davidson. was not a good idea because He could get killed on it. But, ~um,~ but tHe chances of us getting killed flying to Israel was less. So, ~um,~ with HeatHer's Help actually that year, I told Her what my goal was and sHe mentored me amazingly that year. And I was able to completely surprise my husband for his 50th birthday with an almost two week vacation, completely paid for our dream vacation to Israel.
And we got to go now tHen COVID happened. [00:08:00] So we weren't able to go wHen I planned on going, we actually wound up having to rescHedule it twice because of COVID. But by tHe time we were able to go, we were able to add my son's. ~Uh,~ airfare ~and, ~and everything. And so He, as an 18 year old got to experience Israel with us.
~Um, ~and I would not have been able to do that if it wasn't for my direct sales business, my husband would never, would not have been able to, and I really, HeatHer, I should send you tHe video ~wHere, um,~ wHere I recorded giving him his gift, He busted out in tears. in tHe middle of tHe restaurant wHere I gave him tHe envelope that showed that we were going to Israel.
I will treasure that forever and ever. So that is how direct sales changed my life. ~Um,~ it brought me, and I truly believe this is tHe Lord's hand in this because I found tHe right people to work with. ~Um,~ it brought me from someone that A friend of mine once said I was just, I used to be kind of a [00:09:00] quiet sHell of who I am today, and it brought me from that quiet sHell to someone that can confidently tell you that, you know what, I am not perfect by any stretch, but I serve someone who is, and with that in mind, that's like my, I almost want to call it my mantra.
That is, that is my testimony tHere. ~Um,~ that's how I, Want to use what God's given me through tHe direct sales. Business that He's blessed me with to bless otHers. Cause I believe a lot of women out tHere need to Hear that. Well, I love that you brought up probably one of my favorite points in your journey, that amazing trip.
And I'll never even forget. ~Um,~ cause we, you weren't enrolled directly to me, but just. Through tHe circumstances of tHe amazing gals, actually between us, deciding that ~this was not tHe right, you know, tHe right, you know, in that season,~ it was not tHe right fit for tHem. ~Um,~ but that's why I'm so thankful for tHe Lord putting all of us [00:10:00] togetHer, because I would not have met you through if it weren't through tHem and tHeir experience and just being able to watch you grow and to watch you soar.
And honestly, you have been one of tHe most consistent people on my team, like this entire, you know, tHe entire time we worked togetHer. But I believe that consistency was sustaining. From or sustainment from tHe Lord. Like, I feel like He equipped you for this because your Heart was always in tHe right place.
I know that you mentioned Jerry not being a super fan of it, but it was kind of crazy that He, from tHe get go was, was on board with you being a part of this, which I just think is like. Also a sign from tHe Lord, right? Okay. So I don't know if you remember, but wHen you first called me to tell me about what God was doing with you and Roger, ~um,~ I was on my way to pick up Jerry because we were gone to dinner.
at a friend's house. And, ~um,~ so He got to Hear like tHe last half of our conversation and just him listening. I know that, you know, He was tHere because He can't be quiet, [00:11:00] but, ~but, um,~ at tHe end of tHe conversation, wHen we got, wHere are we going? And we said our goodbyes, Jerry looked at me and He said, I don't know what sHe's doing, but you need to be a part of it.
And I was like, whoa, this is my husband telling me this. Now, again, He is tHe most supportive person I know. And I know you can attest to this too, HeatHer. ~Um,~ He's, He's not one of those that just lets me go and do whatever. And He doesn't want to be a part of it. He, like He is my cHeerleader, but for him to say, Hey, you can't miss this.
He knew with ~that. ~THe dissolving of tHe business that we had experienced several months prior just left me at kind of an unrest and, ~um,~ and I knew that I needed to find anotHer avenue of income for my family. Cause we've already talked about that. And I had even contacted, ~um,~ some otHer female minister friends of mine that have gone through things with tHe companies that tHey were with and I was like, Oh, I love this.
[00:12:00] person I could probably work with tHem and I just didn't have peace about it. And I told my husband, like, I know I need somebody, I can't make a decision right now. And now ~I will, um, ~I'm tHe type of person that will, I will research tHe Heck out of something, but I tend to make a decision pretty quickly.
I'm, I'm not one of those that stands on tHe fence. But I couldn't make a decision on what company to go with and all that. And tHen you called and as I was Headed home from work ~and, um,~ and on our way to ~have, ~have dinner with friends. And like, as soon as you started telling me what was happening, we'll restore.
I just had this peace come over me and I was like, This is why I couldn't make a decision because God had this open for me. And I mean, He didn't, HeatHer, you may not have known that tHe Lord gave you this idea so that Tabby would have peace in three months, you know,~ but, um,~ but I really feel like that's tHe door that He had me walk through.
I had no idea tHen that you would ask me to be a mentor, but you know, God's, God's plans are better than ours. And [00:13:00] we just. It's, it's like we talked about in our mentor chat today, it's not our job to, to produce it's our job to obey. That's what we're Here for. Well, my friend, I have watcHed you do that time and time again, and it's been inspiring to me because I've had to grow in so many ways as a leader.
And one of those is just listening to tHe promptings from tHe Holy spirit. And I know I told you that, that wHen I finally did call you, I was like. I have been meaning like to call you and have this conversation and I'm so sorry that I haven't because it was like one of those things that's like, and I'm sure those of you guys listening, you know, that wHen someone repeatedly comes on your Heart, but you eitHer like pusHed away, cause it's maybe not tHe best time that you think for tHem or not for not for you or whatever it is.
And how many times do we let that distraction get in tHe way from blessing, not only. THe otHer person, but, but blessing, like what a tremendous blessing to be able [00:14:00] to get to continue to work with Tabby and Jerry on this. And so I just, you know, I just want to encourage you, first of all, like, listen to him, like you said, obey, like He, He does give us those, those whisperings and sometimes it is weight.
And you never know what could be around tHe corner. And I'm just, I'm so grateful. Like He always does his timing, you know, it just, He has everything worked out for good. And, and even if it's hard to see that sometimes like his faithfulness just over and over again is such a blessing. Yeah, absolutely. I agree.
100%. Oh my gosh, I love it. Well, you ~kind of ~shared tHe story of~ kind of how,~ how you kind of came into Restore. So let's get into some of tHe like specific questions. Just, just learn a little bit more about you. And so tHere's one thing I'm surprising you with, which is sharing out loud your five strengths.
So wHen we, ~uh, you know, ~we're first kind of gatHering, ~um,~ interest and we, we did a founding partner mentor application, which was really just a way that I could Hear tHe Heart and tHe [00:15:00] reason for people, you know, who, who had been kind of hit pick to be a part of this, which. Towards tabby was, and so a part of that was taking this test.
It's called tHe high five test. com. And it's a free test that actually one of my leaders did at Her leadership retreat years ago. And it's always stuck with me as just a really simple way to figure out. ~Um,~ and it's, even though it's not necessarily a faith based quiz, it is something that will Help guide you to tHe gifts that tHe Lord has given you specifically wHen it comes to leadership and mentorship.
And so tabby's five gifts. ~Um,~ and Her five strengths are optimism. Yes. Peacekeeper. Yeah. I'm curious how, like, as I say tHese, if you're like, oh yeah, peacekeeper, definitely. Coach. And I'm like, no wonder sHe's a great leader. Believer. Not a surprise tHere. And phylomath, which is a fancy word, but would you agree with that as well?
Pretty much. Yeah. And it kind of put me [00:16:00] in tHe right box tHere. I agree. Well, sometimes tHese I know can surprise us too much in a box. And tHe thing actually at our founding partner mentor retreat, a few weeks ago, wHen we were togetHer, like one of tHe things I know that was eye opening for me and that we kind of learned is that sometimes tHese strengths can feel like THey like come natural, like, Oh, everybody says, cause this is just not, not normal, but tHese are absolute gifts that can bless those that join your team and that already have been an amazing blessing to tHe founding partner mentor group.
And ~as we,~ as we launcHed tHe company with restore. So I think absolutely kick it off. So tHe first question, tHe rest of tHese questions are kind of like tHe common questions that I'll ask each one just to kind of keep it consistent. But so tHe first question is, if you had to pick one of our core values, one of our 12 core values, which one do you feel like resonates tHe most with you and why?
Okay, so I feel like this is a give me because obviously tHe [00:17:00] biblical wisdom is a huge thing, right? But tHe thing is, you know, with biblical, tHere's so much wisdom that can be found in tHe Bible. I feel like some companies use biblical wisdom and don't know that tHey're using biblical wisdom, but we can be.
open and honest about wHere our wisdom comes from. But can I add to that? Like my true, like besides biblical wisdom, I'm a pastor, so I'm supposed to say that. But, ~um,~ it's sustainability because I love that. ~Um,~ you and Roger are making tHe decisions right now, ~um,~ for this company to be Here not, and this isn't just tHe environmental sustainability, but this company can be Here in 5, 10, 20 years, however long we need to feel stable~ for our, ~for our needs to, you know, one of my, ~um, ~I guess one of my needs, ~uh,~ that my husband has found out is that I need to feel secure.
And that is how I truly feel [00:18:00] with tHe future of restore. So, oh my gosh, well, I have to throw this back to you because you shared on a training. I remember listening in on one time years ago. One of tHe biggest tips that you could give for having success in network marketing is just to last. Yes, and it really is that simple.
Yeah. Yeah. Except, you know, it's kind of crazy because looking at wHere we went, like you, you lasted until it was like, you know, tHe rug was ripped out and, and, but you, you did it and tHe Lord, you know, you weren't, you were doing it because. Of that sustainability piece, like you said, and even though it did it, that particular one, did it wound up being something that was secure that was never your provider.
I know your hope was never in that company, but your hope was in him. And so, you know, He's, He's our sustainer ultimately. Yeah. And you know, I, and I know you feel this way too. I know that He brought us to that company. So that tHere's never been a doubt in my mind [00:19:00] that we didn't go through that. Exactly.
And his will. ~Um,~ but I also know that He opened this door to, and, um, yeah, that tHere's a piece that you can't argue with wHenever you, wHenever you know that. Yeah, you're, you're exactly right. Like if you know, He, if He is for us, who can be against us like that, that's. That's what this, this feels like. And I think that's wHere tHe sustainability piece definitely is something that's a focus, but it's like, again, He's tHe one that, that Lord willing is, is tHere to Help us make that happen.
And so your answer.
~Um,~ okay. So tHe next question is specifically regarding your branch. So of course, those listening, I kind of know that, um, we are inspired by, you know, tHe founding partner mentors aligning with tHe roots of tHe company, of course, aligning with, with tHe example in Christ. And that biblical wisdom piece to build something really, really strong togetHer, which will look like a beautiful organic tree, like a family tree.
[00:20:00] Right. And so we're tHere to lift everybody up. So each of those brancHes is going to have a different kind of culture and a different feeling. And a different flair because your vibe attracts your tribe. Right. And, and we wanted that diversity of all tHe things, not just with tHe gifts and strengths and leadership, but also just like tHe feeling and just kind of, I don't want to say energy.
Cause that sounds a little woo woo, but, but just tHe culture behind it. And so I would love to know, obviously, based on your experience and your Heart and your vision for what you want to bring to restore. What do you think are some of tHe unique facets of your branch, if you will? Well, I can totally see our, my branch, um, being one of tHe utmost encouragement just because I thrive on encouragement, as you know, ~um, and I, ~in my group that I have on Facebook that I've built up over tHe years, ~um,~ I call myself tHe chief encouragement officer and I take that pretty stinking seriously, you know, I want to make sure that That wHen [00:21:00] people come into my presence that tHey know that I'm excited that tHey are tHere, not necessarily that I'm tHere, you know, I want tHem to to leave better and so with my branch, I want to make sure that tHe people who come in know that we are excited to have tHem as part of tHe branch and also because consistency has been such a hard,~ um, ~I guess it's just been so important to me over tHe years.
~Um,~ and not just in business, but in ministry and Heck in parenting. Consistency is such a big deal. I want to make sure in our branch that we recognize and celebrate consistency, just like we do any otHer, ~um, ~success marker that people find, because I think that's, those are tHe building blocks that we tend to forget about.
But, you know, in Restore and in our branch, in my branch, we're going to make sure that that consistency is celebrated just as much as anything else. Oh my gosh, I love it so much. And it reminds [00:22:00] me, actually, back, ~um,~ for anybody that's watching this on tHe video, I have like my little bookcase with all my favorite books, but also my past journals.
And just on a whim, was that even, I don't, I think it was yesterday, it was within tHe last day or two, ~um,~ I was like, Oh my gosh. I was actually looking for an empty notebook to write something down, but I was like, Oh, let me look through some of tHese old ones. And I remember it was one of my first actually Bob Heilig trainings, or maybe it was at his conference, but I had a ton of stuff written down in tHere.
And tHere was an amazing quote. I'll have to look it up, but it talked about tHe importance of that consistency that just doing tHe small things every day. And finding ways to, like you said, encourage that and to shout that out within our team goes so much furtHer than just shouting out tHe best of tHe best or tHe tippy top or tHe top 10 this.
And while those people do deserve that recognition, that sometimes can be a flash in tHe pan and lead to burnout or, you know, like not tHe sustainability that we're going for, but wHen you run your business, like I've seen you [00:23:00] do, which is just both focusing on consistency at one level, building up, like wHen you earned that, well, wHen you.
bought that trip or paid for that trip for Pastor Jerry and Cole. What's crazy is you also earned a trip with tHe company too, which was so amazing to watch. That was amazing. Totally God totally God. Like, and what a gift and an abundant blessing from him. What you did is kind of like what we talked about on tHe profitability, uh, value podcast, wHere it's like you took that consistency wHere you were able to sell and tHen generate, you know, a certain level of income.
But tHen wHen you had a bigger goal to work towards like that trip, you were able to kind of dial that up, not in a way that burned you out, but it was just in a way that, you know, Gave you more abundance, right? And I do believe too, that God will honor your efforts. ~Um,~ and that's not to say we can buy his favor or anything, but [00:24:00] wHen God will honor tHe effort that you put in, we keep him first, of course.
~Um,~ but He, He always takes care of us wHen we give him our efforts. Yes. Amen to that. You're just going to have church. Yes. I know. I love it. Hey, people are probably used to that by now. It's so funny. Tiptoe around like tHe faith based elements of this podcast. I'm like, who am I kidding? And like tHe minute I just gave it all to him and let it, you know, just flow.
I'm like, anyway, He just never ceases to blow me away on, ~on tHese, tHese, uh,~ tHese podcasts. So let's bring it. Let's keep bringing it. ~So, and~ on that note, I would, ~uh, ~tHe next question is if you had to describe like your dream team, which of course you'd love and welcome anyone, even non believers. I know that, you know, that's one of tHe things that even though we, ~um,~ Are obviously believers ourselves, you know, we are in tHe secular space and we want to be able to be welcoming to anybody of, of all faiths or, you know, all beliefs.
~Um, but, you know, ~so I want to start with that, but I know you probably [00:25:00] envision an ideal partner, like a dream teamie, or speak to tHe Heart of someone who's maybe looking for tHe right founding partner mentor and, and what it is that you're looking for in tHem. You know, funny enough, wHenever I, ~um, ~envision someone, ~uh, ~on, on my branch, ~um,~ I don't, like, to me, faith isn't, like, straight up tHere.
It's not one of tHe top things that I look for. What I, what I see is, ~um, ~women who, Are already busy and taking care of otHer people to tHe point like I was, you just take care of people so much that you forget that you need taken care of too. But, ~um, ~people that. are used to getting things done. ~Um, ~but also have a Heart to make sure that otHer people's things get done to you.
I, one of tHe things that I really kind of credit tHe Lord and my work in ministry, ~um,~ is that my customer service to my customers was always You know, forefront in my mind, [00:26:00] because yeah, I didn't need tHe extra income and tHe sisterhood of our teams is amazing, but I'm tHere to support my customers and, ~um,~ to have a Heart for otHer people, I think is, is a big thing, but sometimes we, as women feel like.
We're not being seen. So that's how I felt, you know, wHenever I knew that I needed tHe extra income and I had to do this and do this and do this, but nobody was seeing my efforts. So I'm envisioning and praying that a woman who feels like. Maybe nobody's seeing tHe efforts sHe is putting forth to better Her own future or to better Her Children's futures.
~Um,~ that sHe can join our branch and realize that tHere is somebody who will come and hold up Her arms with Her as sHe makes tHese changes and makes tHese steps towards Her future ~like sHe~ like sHe dreams of.~ Um, ~I just that's it. I just want somebody who knows that tHey have a place. [00:27:00] That, yeah, that belongs like that word belong to me just like keeps coming up, ~um, for,~ for your Heart that, and tHe fact that like, you can see yourself in that and what a beautiful example, like your entire story of weaving togetHer tHe fact that you unapologetically, you joined this and you've expressed tHe financial blessings of it, which I know.
Even believers can struggle with that, you know, without sometimes tHe Heart behind doing it and how like you, you can do both and you also can be busy and do both. And I think you're exactly right. That seems busy. Women can, can even do it a little bit better. I think you and I might have both learned that from that one.
I remember that from a company we shared to be a part of. Right. Prior to our last, ~last, um,~ company, ~but,~ but busy women truly sometimes, because you have to find tHe time and tHe space and you working full time and working in ministry. And, you know, now of course doing all, all of tHe otHer things, writing books, tHe podcasts, like you find tHe time for, for what's important and tHe Lord [00:28:00] makes tHe time.
Would you agree? Absolutely. I want to make sure, too, that whoever may be listening or watching tHe podcast doesn't, that you understand that I am completely as imperfect as tHey come. Um, in fact, HeatHer mentioned tHe podcast earlier. It's called Every Day Imperfect for a reason, because in all of that doing, I found myself, even, even as tHe pastor's wife and a minister, completely questioning THe God that I was telling otHer people about, and tHen I felt like a hypocrite because I was questioning God.
And so I had to learn to kind of let go of perfection and just do what I know to do. And I want to make sure that you guys listening and watching realize this is not a ton of perfect women trying to make more perfect women. We're embracing our imperfections. We're coming togetHer and we're just along tHe ride togetHer.
Oh my gosh, so much. Goodness. And seriously, y'all need to go read Her book. It is so [00:29:00] good out. It's out of tHe Shadows of Darkness. Beyond tHe Shadows of Doubt. Of doubt. Imperf, imperfect, faith. Perfect. It's on Amazon . Yes, I can link to it. And I lot of words, my editor gave me a lot of words. God bless me,
It's so good. It's really good. I've already gifted it to someone actually because it's like, it it, tHe Lord put it on my Heart. So definitely go listen, if you wanna read more about Tabby's story. So, okay, tHe last question is a fun one, and this is one that, ~um,~ even if it's not something that we have officially shared, ~um,~ publicly, I would love to know what is tHe product, specifically with Restore, that you are most excited about now that you've gotten to try some things and, you know, test some things out, and don't worry, tHere are no secrets, because if anything, if you spill tHe beans, we'll just make it official by you sharing it.
Well, first of all, I think it's kind of unfair for you to tell us one. Just choose one. But I will tell you, I actually alluded to this in a chat tHe otHer [00:30:00] day, and that is tHe prime and protect tHe SPF prime and protect. I have never been like a primer type girl. And to be honest, not even tHe SPF. on my face.
I just didn't care about it. But as soon as I tried that, I was hooked, ~I told,~ I told tHe girls and our mentors chat that I need like a gallon of that wHen it comes. I just love it so much. And obviously it works with tHe priming. So Oh, my gosh. Well, you'll be excited to know that was tHe very first thing that went into production because sunscreen is a beast.
Let me tell you, and what that product in particular, Prime Protect has been a straight up gift from tHe Lord. I can't even tell you all of tHe ways that tHe Lord basically, even today, I literally, cause this, I kind of get aHead of myself sometimes. And I may or may not have bought my packaging for it before I.
New 100 percent that tHe packaging would actually work for it, which was terrible. Like, literally, this was something 2 weeks ago that I was like, wait a minute. Do I know for sure that [00:31:00] this packaging works with it? Because it's that sunscreen is tricky and my formulator sent me a text, you know, saying something like, ~um, ~what was tHe packaging and I'm like, please.
And so sure enough, I'm like, okay, Lord, please. I mean, I was ~playing,~ praying so fervently, but officially I got it today that it's, you know, it's been in production. It's in what tHey call stability testing and our packaging was perfect. And so I was like. So, and if you're part of tHe focus group, you've already seen, I believe, yeah, I think I shared that you've already seen ~tHe, um, ~tHe beautiful packaging for tHe Prime Protect.
So if you're not a part of tHe focus group, you definitely need to fill out tHe link in tHe survey. And that's also wHere, wHetHer you know Tabby or you've fallen in love with Tabby, you can cHeck Her name on tHe little box and I'll make sure to connect you guys on, on how you can kind of stay in touch on that.
But I love, I love that you love that product. And actually one more note, because this is something that we haven't really talked about for tHe focus group or anyone, but Prime Protect is, ~um, ~it's a mineral based sunscreen, which [00:32:00] is definitely from a sustainability piece and from just like a clean, safe piece.
It's, it's, I believe very important, ~um,~ wHen it comes to ~sun ~sun care and actually had MOHS surgery~ this,~ this summer taking off, ~um, uh, ~squamous cell skin cancer. And so I'm trying to be better myself at, you know, all things sunscreen. I like a lot of our customers are, but what's really cool about tHe prime protect is~ it's~ most mineral sunscreens are white.
THey have like a white cast on it. And you want to tell tHem what's special about this one? So it has just enough tint in tHere so that you don't have that cast wHenever you put it on. And tHen that way, wHenever you put your makeup on, first of all, you can't even tell besides how smooth my face feels.
~Um, ~but ~ ~once you put your makeup on, you're not going to have that weird
ghost look like when you go to take pictures I'm excited about it. And it just feels amazing. Yeah. And it makes everything go on like silk. So get excited. I love that. Well, Tabby, this has been such a. Joy [00:33:00] and a pleasure to be able to share your story. And again, tHere's so much more to come. ~Um,~ I can also link to tHe little YouTube wHere you kind of share like your quick brief overview, ~um,~ as well.
'cause that, that video is super fun. But I'm so glad we got to unpack some of tHe bigger pictures and facets of your story. ~Um,~ so I'd love for you to wrap us up in, uh, prayer. Absolutely. I'd be honored. Thank you. FatHer God, I thank you for this time that you've given me and HeatHer just to connect and share tHe joy that you've given us with.
tHe family that will ultimately be coming into tHe restore, um, brancHes, tHe tree that you've given HeatHer and Roger God to grow. Lord, I pray for tHe woman listening to this God, wHetHer it's a person that maybe feels unseen like I did, or maybe tHey're just worried about tHe future, Lord God, that you would give tHem peace and that you would let tHem know that you.
are tHe God that sees tHem. You are tHe God who Hears tHem. [00:34:00] And beyond anything else, Lord, I ask that you just bless tHem and let tHem know exactly what you think about tHem as, as your daughter. And as, as your child, God, I pray that you will just, um, open doors for tHem. God, if If you are leading tHem to a certain direction, Lord, I pray you wouldn't make it abundantly clear so that tHere is no confusion.
And Lord, I pray for Roger and for Heather God, that as tHey lead this team through tHe doors that you've opened for tHem, Lord, that you would continue to let your presence be known to tHem. God bless tHem as our leaders, bless tHeir family in Jesus' name. Amen. Amen. That was so beautiful. Thank you so much, Tabby, and I am just so thankful for you and all tHe years that we've gotten to work togetHer and all tHe years we get to work togetHer in tHe future.
I am too. Very thankful for you. I love you, sis. Love you. Bye guys. Y'all have a great week. [00:35:00] ~ ~