109 | Renewal Update: My Actual January Numbers
[00:00:00] Hey friends, welcome back to the Called to Lead podcast. So in today's episode, I am going to be doing another recap of what my business actually looked like and sharing my real numbers. For January. So if you've been listening to my podcast or if this is your first time listening, hi, welcome. I am basically spitting this entire year dedicated to one goal in my Seint
bD business, which is helping to lead my team and the company through what we call renewal. Thanks to one of my mentors, Brett Blake, who you'll get to meet so soon. And I can't wait for y'all to hear his story and his wisdom. But essentially he talks about in the book, the importance of tracking some key metrics in your business.
And so I am going to be spilling all the tea and sharing all the details of what that looks like for my first month of this year in January, along with an acronym that you can implement in terms of reflecting back on your month in your business, regardless of how [00:01:00] big your team is. Regardless of what your business looks like now, this is something that any of you guys can implement and hopefully be either inspired or learn from what my month looks like in January.
So let's dive into today's episode. [00:02:00] Okay. So if this is the first one of these episodes that you have listened to, I've actually only done one previous one where I did a review of my entire year, last year. So in 2023, and I shared it using a simple acronym that again, you can and should use in your business to reflect back on the month prior or the season prior the year prior, however often you're able to do this is something that I really feel like can impact your business moving forward, because. It can be so easy to just kind of get stuck in the rat race and let each week or each month or each quarter slipped by us.
And if we're doing the same things over and over again, and not really number one, recognizing the things that are working and celebrating ourselves and our amazing team for that, but also being really honest about the areas where we maybe need to focus some. Growth [00:03:00] opportunities around then if you're not taking the time to do that, you're never going to be able to pivot and grow and mold yourself into the leader that you are meant to become without reflecting back on what your business actually looked like.
So the acronym that I'm going to be using and sharing for my January numbers and recap is work. And I love it because this business takes work. If you want to do big things in any business model, but especially in the business of network marketing. You definitely want to focus on the work. So it's an easy one to remember.
And anytime I do reference numbers and actual data, I like to reference our income disclosure statement, which is going to be linked in the show notes or the description of this. If you're watching on YouTube just to reference what the business. How long it takes to get to a rank like mine. I'm at artists' nine in Seint
and you might be in a totally different company, just kind of stocking away, which hi there. If you are, I love that I would be the one totally watching to learn all the inside [00:04:00] scoop about somebody else's business. And another company. And honestly, that's why I'm sharing is in hopes that it's not just going to be able to wait for me to reflect on my business and learn out loud with all of you guys.
But hopefully it can kind of inspire you to know what an actual leaders business looks like. Whether you're in my company or not. So that's my goal. The acronym is work. It stands for. Wins. The w is a wins where we're going to look at the win three key wins from our last month. The O stands for opportunities or opportunities for growth.
So instead of really looking at it as a negative, we're gonna look at it as something that could improve or grow if we are to focus on it in the future. So the O is opportunities for growth. The R is recognition, and it's super important to implement systems for recognition in your team. And this is one of the ways. That I do it for my team since this is kind of my, my team page, if you will.
And I'm just opening it up to the world. And so recognition is the R and then the last [00:05:00] one, and maybe the most important is the K P I's, which are the key performance indicators of where your business actually is and what that actually looks like, because we can kind of make up some stories of things sometimes of where our businesses are up or down or whatnot.
But this is where you're actually going to reflect on the numbers that happened in your business. Good or bad. They're indifferent. They're just numbers. It's just data. And you can learn from it. Whereas the first three are a little bit more subjective. They're the things that you maybe naturally do think that come to your mind. Again, whether they're good or opportunities for growth. It's T it's a good time to be able to reflect on it.
So. Without further ado, let's dive into January's work. So the first w and I'm going to share three within each category. So in the win category, ~Uh, ~this was a big one. We had Sates birthday party, which it's our seventh year celebrating. The artist program was Saint and it's also my seventh year Seint
aversary [00:06:00] and we had the second highest. Enrollment. Well, it wasn't just a day. It was basically the last two weeks. In the business where we enrolled as a team, 458 new artists onto my team. In one month in less than a month, really? In two weeks time, which is a 10% gross. So in analyzing that in previous numbers, we did have one, one year, right post COVID in 2021, where we had more. ~Um, ~but that 4 58 is the second highest in seventh years, seven years.
And it's higher than last year. ~Um, ~I think I, ~uh,~ said I put that on there. Oh yes. 17% higher than what we did last year. Which is so, so, so stinkin exciting because it shows that the new onboarding system we implemented, that I talked about, ~um,~ is working and giving people confidence to build their business.
And we can prove that even with a team, my size, which I've got about, ~uh,~ it was 45. We'll get there. But [00:07:00] 45 15 is where my team landed at the end of last month. And sometimes it can be hard to have something like 10% growth with a team that size, but I was so excited to see a number like that again.
So that's a win. Number one is we enrolled 458 new artists, which equated to 10% growth in one month. So that's a pretty big win, right? So my second win is a personal win because anytime you're reflecting back on your business, you want to look at the team as a whole, or if you don't yet have a team, you definitely want to start with yourself.
You're the team, right? So you get to lead by example and you get to look at these numbers based off of how you performed and it starts with you. And so I want to be able to lead by example, I set personal goals for my business and I was so excited. That my next win is that my average personal sales over the last 12 months. Topped 4,500 for the first time, which made me so excited for several reasons.
One it's up about a thousand dollars since I [00:08:00] really first started tracking this metric about a year ago, which is actually about the time I stepped away from social media. Crazy enough. And so I have been able to not just grow my sales, but grow the average monthly sales. And what's probably the most exciting is it's always been my goal to go for the 40% commission bracket, which is the highest personal commissions in our company.
And while I, I would say there was a time where I would maybe do it, maybe. Not even half the time, I would say like a third of the time. Now I'm doing it most months to where my average has pushed me into that 40% commission bracket, which I'm so excited about. This is something that I have worked really hard towards and you can't hit a target that you can't see.
So it's definitely a win that's worth celebrating. Now my big goal is to get that number to 5k. And honestly, my bigger goal with that is I would love for that $5,000 to actually come from residual reorder business. ~Um, ~I'd say right now, it's probably more like 3,500 of that with [00:09:00] about a thousand coming in and new business.
~Um,~ and so I'd like to see the 5,000 come from. From my reorders. Maybe by the end of this year, I think we can make that happen. And then anything else on top is just gravy because I'm having fun sharing the makeup out there, but I'm going to take this as a huge win for my personal business. So the third win is actually something kind of systematic.
I guess you could say that we implemented in the bigger team this month and it's something that I'm really proud of. And not as we and I incorporated an inclusivity panel to help us better refine our tools and our systems to make sure that they work for everybody no matter someone's age, maybe whether they have mature skin or maybe they're really young, if there are women of color, ~um,~ you know, whether that's black or white or anywhere in between Asian. Or even if they are Spanish speaking, I have I'll save the February wins per some big announcements coming in in March.
But teaser alert, we are [00:10:00] going to be expanding into three new countries within the next year. And one of those includes Mexico. So if you're listening in the UK or Australia hit a girl up, if you want to try some makeup, it should be sometime this year, but Mexico is a whole other ball game because they obviously speak a completely different language than we do.
And so this inclusivity panel is designed to help review. Review our systems to where we can really focus in, on making people, anybody feel like they can love this makeup or that they can be, do what we do with the business side of things. And so I'm so excited to be able to shout out some. ~Um, ~amazing gals who have that abundance mindset to work with. You know, Together basically to create these new or refine these new tools and systems.
And for me, this was a huge win. So you can actually go back and listen to an episode I did with Dr. Ramona Lawrence, and that was kind of the inspiration or catalyst, even though it was months ago, might've even been probably not quite a year ago that I interviewed her, but that was the catalyst for at least [00:11:00] getting that conversation started.
And so finally we are getting around to implementing it and I'm so excited to see what this does for our business. So those are the wins from January. Let's move on to some opportunity for growth. So this is the not fun part, right? So one of the things that I kind of touched on, I think in the last yearly review. Or it's at least something that I saw coming that's for sure is our leader rank advancements, really at all levels, but starting at our foundation leader rank, which is artists three, all the way up to the highest level leaders, they were low.
Like. Pretty dang, low, lower than I would expect them to be in January. So while we are enrolling new artists, we are doing a good job of helping them get off the ground. The leadership stuff is lagging behind. So while that's not ideal, I can now look at that as an opportunity for where to focus my energy in the next month, quarter, season to come.
And that's [00:12:00] exactly what I plan to do is really figure out a way to focus on that metric. Start with our foundation rank. Of artists, three help people. You know, get to that level if they want to and not everybody's going to want to, but I think the numbers could be much higher than they are now. They're not that great.
So, and I'll share more about that when we get to the KPIs. So the leader rank advancements was low last month. Then the other thing that was low was the amount of leaders that were actually paid at their rank paid at their high rank. So one thing, if you didn't know this, it's actually very, very common in network marketing to hit a high, you know, a certain rank. And for example, in our company, you are always like, given that title, like I'm an artist nine because I ranked there one time. I have not gotten paid there since then, which is normal.
~Um, ~not ideal. I would love to get paid there, but it's okay because I'm consistently paid at that level. Artists eight right below it. And so I look at that as something to reach for, but also something to be, you know, be [00:13:00] kind of embrace if you will. However having said that, normally I would say it's about 20 to 30% or more.
I looked back at, at last January's numbers and we had about 20% of leaders that were paid at rank. And I'm honestly a little bit embarrassed with how you got this. It was actually only 10%. Of our leaders at artists' four or higher, which that is the like kind of top 5% of the company. That were paid at the rank.
So that's not good. That's definitely not good. I definitely think that that kind of says to me that we probably are likely in the shakeout and that there. You know, the energy and an excitement and the growth and the things that are happening. It's coming from new people, as opposed to people who've maybe been here for a second. So it's just the reality of the numbers.
It's definitely something to focus on and that is helping leaders get paid at their rake. So, or at least more than what are doing it now. So that's a big time. ~Um, ~opportunity for growth. So speaking of ranking the other [00:14:00] opportunity for growth, and I was really excited to see this, but I have been obsessively tracking. The gals that joined and focusing on helping as many as we can write to artists to that first rate, make back their. Investment within their first month of business. Which would be, ~um,~ actually about the time this episode airs, it will have been a month.
When I ran these numbers, we had about 16% of those new artists that joined just a couple of weeks ago. That have already hit that first rank, which is good. But I wanted to be better. So I would say this is an opportunity for growth because I would love for it to be more. And I think that we can help them.
I think we're getting them started and getting going because we had a whole lot more. And honestly, I should probably look real quick and see how many actually got sales in the last month. Paul holds please. Okay. So 52% have gotten going in their business. So that's a better number. I like that number better, but I'd love for it to be 50% or more [00:15:00] have actually hit their first rank. So maybe it'll happen within the first month. We still have time to make that happen. And I will certainly be keeping my eye on that metric and focusing on making sure that these newbies have everything we need, especially with the new systems that we've rolled out.
So that's definitely an opportunity for growth is just being able to help more of these new artists, get their business going faster because ultimately we would love for them to then. Hit the foundation leadership rank within three months of joining their business. So the goal is ranked to artists to,~ uh,~ one month and then rank to the next level at artistry within three months.
So that's our goal. And I, like I said, I would be continuing to track it and looking at that as an opportunity for growth. Okay, y'all ready for some recognition. So this is super fun because this allows me to go a little deeper on my team and actually a couple of these gals. I actually did not know very well. And that's one of the beautiful things about recognition is this is your opportunity to reflect back on the month [00:16:00] before and reflect on the amazing things that people that you might not have even met, depending on how big your team sizes. The things that they've done.
So either just shooting them a quick voice message yourself to say, Hey, this is amazing. Congratulations on an awesome month. Nice to meet you. If you haven't met them yet. Tell me more about what's working for you. This is a great way for you to get to know your team. It's a great way to tap root into your team, which is just kind of reaching down a little bit.
You're not overstepping a leader because you should always Edify whoever their leader is and say they are amazing. I just also wanted to congratulate you on a job. Well done. Tell me what's working for you. So what's really cool is two of the three recognitions that I did were gals that I had never connected with before.
And I learned so much from both of them by connecting with them. But the one I want to start with is someone who's very near and dear to my heart. Someone I've talked about a lot on this podcast, but somebody that I'm so proud of for her last month, and that is Coleen Matthews. So Colleen, you might have heard her story.
She is one of my directly enrolled artists that joined back [00:17:00] in 20 19 18, 20 18. Got off to a good start in our business. Didn't do much for about a year, then a year and a half, I think. And then picked back up her business. And ranked like crazy, like almost every month for like the next six months. And since then has ranked to the artist's seven level, which is a huge, big deal. But I was so proud of Colleen because she's big into goal setting.
Like I am you, if you listened to my rollercoaster soar story from last fall. You know that she and I have a really cool history together, especially around goal setting. And so I was really proud of her when she said at the beginning of the year that she was going to go all in, on her personal business.
And I just want to say girlfriend did it. And that is the best part. It's one thing to set a goal and say you're going for something, but then to actually do it was amazing. So Colleen. ~Uh,~ not only was the highest seller of all of my direct artists, 51 direct artists last month, which I know she loves being in that top spot. Don't you Colleen. [00:18:00] She's like, I know she's got to feel so good.
I don't even know if she knows. ~Um, ~that she got back there yet because I haven't posted it anywhere publicly, but she got back to that top spot, which is where she likes to be. And,~ um,~ she worked hard on her personal cells, but she also enrolled for new artists personally. So this is big you guys.
I mean, she was definitely one of the top enrollers on my whole team by enrolling for, but what that's doing is, again, she is inspiring the people who are already on our team, she's inspiring the new ladies that have joined her, that they can do this too. And that. It's never too late to really go all in on your business.
And so I'm really proud of Colleen and that's why she gets the first recognition spot because not only did she set a high goal to be able to up her personal business, which is in turn going to inspire her team, but she actually got it done and had an amazing sales month and an amazing month enrolling new artists.
So congratulations to Colleen. Yay. So next up is Robin Anderson. So you guys, I have been chatting back and forth with Robin. ~Um, ~on [00:19:00] messenger all morning. She's someone that I, I didn't know her. I had no idea. I'd never heard of her, but I was looking at her numbers and I was like, oh my goodness. She just joined in October, like the end of October.
So November, December, January, like three months, basically. And not only did she of course rank in herself, but she really leveraged the birthday enrolled three new artists. And helped. All three. Get to artists too, and get their business going with success and right to artists three last month. And she's already being paid there.
It's not even halfway through the month in February. Again this month. And I was so excited. Of course, I was like, Robin, first of all, it's nice to meet you. Cause I think she's on my like seventh level down under some incredible leaders. So once again, not overstepping her amazing leaders, but I just had to know and wanted her to know how awesome she is doing, but also what was working.
And I was so excited that she was using our text onboarding system, which was great, but she was taking it a step further and she was really working with her girls to make sure they understood that this is [00:20:00] really simple and it can be really overwhelming, but not to get. Too overwhelmed. And she really led by example with how she decided to enroll because she came to one of her mentors, Sonia McDonald, who is an amazing merging emerging artist as well.
That, ~um,~ has recently ranked to artists for was that last month, I don't even know if it was last month or the month before Sonya is doing amazing things too, but. Robyn attended Sonia's in-person event fell in love with the makeup. Got going in our business. And then have that confidence to put that same energy of just sharing her passion around the makeup.
And she's also a fitness buff. And so she considers herself a makeup coach, not, not a makeup artist, but a makeup coach. And I love that. She's kind of bringing her own energy and authenticity around sharing a product that she loves, which is this makeup and it's working for her. And I'm so excited because for her to hit that rank that quickly. And to be able to help other people win big in this business.
She's just getting started off to an amazing foundation in her business. So congratulations to Robin, you are going to crush it here. I just know [00:21:00] it. And then the third recognition for this month is Erin Meekins. So I'm watching this girl. She is, first of all, she's beautiful inside and out. She's just one of those people that you can just see if you look her up on socials.
I think she's Aaron Meekins, M E K I N S on, on social. But, ~um, ~she's just, she just radiates beauty. She is a woman of color, and I love that she is focusing on helping other women of color fall in love with this makeup. And she's doing it in a way that just feels fun and again, authentic to herself and you guys she's sold.
She made it into the top 12 of my entire team. So over 4,500 in.~ Um, ~in July by selling over $12,000 worth of makeup, which is just mindblowing. So again, I took the time to reach out to Erin and just congratulate her and find out a little bit more. And she shared an amazing story, which is so timely that in, ~uh, ~December, right after Christmas, Her commission check was like $3 her bonus check.
And she was like, gosh. Okay. I'm [00:22:00] grateful for the $3. Amazing. If I could. You know, if I could do more and she really kind of set a vision and a clear vision for what she wanted in her business. And she picked up her bootstraps, she posted another, another reel. I think it was actually a Tik TOK, maybe posted a Tik TOK.
And it just happened to take off. And I know you could say, oh, well of course it was a viral seller, but you are viral. ~Um, ~you know, real or whatever video that helped her get these cells, but you guys, that's not the point. It was her consistency. It was her dedication and her letting her set her sights on what she wanted and not letting that stop her from, from putting herself out there.
And it was really simple. She said it was just her hopping on a video and doing her makeup and it took off and she again, was able to, to bring such a blessing for her family. And she was so excited for just staying the course and overcoming, ~um,~ you know, any. Those frustrations that she might have felt with feeling like her business was stagnant.
And so Erin deserves all the shout out in the world for an amazing month last month. And I cannot wait to also see what she does in [00:23:00] her business. So congrats to Colleen and Robin and Erin for an amazing January. And I can't wait to continue this little fun shout out series on that. Oh, and you guys will be hearing from Colleen.
I think I keep saying this, but Colleen book. Look, the dang. We've got to find a spot for an interview. And then what's also cool. Is Erin Meekins told me that she watched a training from Katie Martin. Who's another awesome leader on my team, that her interview, her lessons from a top leader is going to be coming up here in the next couple of weeks.
I'm actually going to be recording it right after this. So. You're gonna be hearing from Katie herself and she can maybe share a little bit of what inspired Aaron. Along with really cool kind of backstory with us too. So anyways, it's just really cool to see a kind of full come full circle and see people that are inspired by others working this business.
And you never know who you could be inspiring in your business. So congrats ladies for an amazing January. Okay. So the last letter in our acronym is K the K P I's, which is again, key performance [00:24:00] indicators for the areas of, of numbers, just the real numbers that you want to track in your business.
So I really want to do, I haven't had a chance to do this, but I really want to create like a spreadsheet that I could maybe share like a Google sheet template. Rachid, maybe share this with you guys to where you can easily go in and kind of start tracking it. I have been tracking a lot of these on a spreadsheet in my business.
It's probably overkill. So I can maybe make a simpler version. But even if you just put these numbers down in the notes app on your phone, or just write it out, like I have a leader, Brianne who literally just writes it out in her, in her planner, in her calendar. So, however you do it, just track it.
Okay. And so there's 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Really kind of seven that I'm going to, I'm going to focus on. And so the first one is total sales. So this is just looking at the total volume. Or the total, you know, Gross sales, if you will, for your entire team or your total volume for, for the team, [00:25:00] which you guys that's where the money is.
Okay. So yes, the rank can make the difference in your paycheck. But really, if you can help, a lot of people build their businesses. In even just a little way. Like if you can just help that mom make an extra a hundred dollars this month and do that again and again and again, that can lead to amazing volume.
And so the volume is definitely something that is really smart to track because that's where the commissions can come from. Okay. So total sells for my team last month was 1.7, 3 million, which sounds like a lot. And I was like, this is amazing. So I love being anywhere near that 2 million mark. That's an exciting, exciting month for me.
~Um, ~But tracking it to last year, it was down about 1%. So it was pretty flat to last year. So, you know, It is what it is. Again, I'll take it. It's a lot. It's a lot of makeup. I will take it. So personally, my sales, as I kinda mentioned, were up, I sold 46 39, which [00:26:00] is 24% higher than last January.
So I'm so excited to see my personal business again, through reorders, through my YouTube channel, which like, and subscribe, if you want to watch them. My YouTube. But he goes, if you're on there. But, ~uh,~ but I'm excited to kind of see my personal cell start to take off a little bit more as well. So total cells for the team, total cells for personal that's our first KPI. Alright, second metric you're going to track is your total team size or your total number of distributors for us?
Again, it's called artist and not for me was 4,515. So I was really excited to get back over 4,500. That was a number that I was kind of pulling for by the end of the month. And I was excited when we finally did it. And then some. ~Um, ~so it is, again, retention in this business model is just something you got to focus on.
So if your team isn't growing, you can focus your energy on helping them grow, but also know that if it feels a little. You know, flat or stagnant, just know that about 10% of your team is going to quit. You know, over the next year anyway, [00:27:00] so that's just normal. So if you can continue to fill that bucket. With adding new people. Then that's a way to kind of counteract that. But for me, I'm really happy with that number again, that was 10% growth in one month.
So I will take it.~ Um, ~I did also personally enroll one, ~um,~ artists. So I guess that's the next metric is new artists, but I, my total team was 51. ~Um, ~personally enrolled direct lines. So I'll take it. ~Uh, ~I was going for too, but I got an amazing gal and again, I will, I will totally take it. So I'm at 51 directly enrolled personally. The next KPI is new artists or new distributors.
If you're not insane. And so for me, again, that was 458, ~um,~ which I was thrilled with. I did also track the retention. So I tracked how many quit. ~Um, ~because if you add up last month, which I think was like 4 1, 1 7, and you add 4 58 to that, it's going to be more than 45 15. So you're like, well, what happened there?
It's because there were some gals that [00:28:00] decided to quit and it was 60, 60 gals did quit. So. Just kind of keep that in mind that that's that's going to happen. Okay. And again, that's tracking right in line with about what I was saying with about the 10% over. Cause I think that's 1.4%. ~Um, ~and again, there's 12 months in the year.
So you track that through the year. That's about 10 to 15%, right? Over a year. So 60 gals did decide to quit and that's okay. ~Um, ~and then I, again, enrolled one new artists personally. So that's exciting. So, and then the next one is going to be rank advancements. So this is something that is definitely an important metric to track for your, for all ranks in your business.
And so that's the number that I track, which is 80. So, you know, it's. I would say that's that's again, going back to some opportunities for growth. That's definitely something that I think we need to focus on in general. ~Um,~ is just helping people rank through the different leadership levels, but that's still a lot of people, 80 people. [00:29:00] That got to that next level in their business.
So I'll take it. It is what it is, right. That's 80, 80 gals. I also wanted to look. At the number of. ~Um, ~foundation level leadership ranks. So that's when I say there might be seven of these, this is something I'm definitely going to keep my eye on for the rest of this year. And we let's see how many we had. All right. So we had to, we had two girls ranked to our foundation, rank of artists, three. Which that definitely is not good enough. You guys, we can do better than that. And I plan to focus a lot of my energy on that as a huge opportunity for growth. But as I told you guys, I'm going to be really honest with the numbers.
I am going to share the good, the bad and the ugly. And I am not happy with that number, but it is what it is. And it's something that I know that we can do because we do have new artists that are enrolling and we have new artists that are seeing success. And we have a lot of women selling a lot of makeup, which is going to be the next one, which is sales per teeny. And so absolutely knowing those things, anybody can hit that [00:30:00] foundation.
Right. And once you learn how to help other people hit that foundation rake. Then that is something that you can take to the highest levels of your company. Okay. So, ~um, ~sales for TIMI that's our next KPI and the average sales per all of the TV. So you take your total number of sales. You divide it by your total team size.
You already had those two numbers, right? So just divide. And then, ~um, ~that for me was three 17 commissionable volume, which in the U S equates to about $460, which is like, kind of amazing that the average artist on my team sold almost $500. That's awesome. And Canada it's $634 because the exchange rates a little bit different. And this is something as we expand globally, that will likely kind of shift and change.
So you've got to, you got to focus on the CV here just to make it even, but that three, seven. 17 CV is technically still in our 20% commission bracket. I last month or? Yeah. Was it last month or the last year? It was [00:31:00] a 25% commission bracket, which I would much rather it be there because again, that's an extra 5%. In their pocket on average.
But if we stick with that 20% commission bracket, that is $92 in the pockets of the us ladies on average and $127 for Canadian ladies. And that's not including any team commission. So that's the average gal on my team made somewhere between 90 to 130 bucks. Which I think is pretty awesome. It could be better, but still not terrible.
And for those that say this business doesn't make money. Or when I say this business, like the business model $90 or a hundred dollars can be the difference maker. For someone's budget. And again, this is the average. So there's people that are doing a lot more. And then this is also people who aren't doing a dang thing in their business.
So they're not selling anything because they're not doing anything. So there's a lot of goose eggs that are factoring into that as well. Okay. But if they actually did the thing, they'd probably sell the things which would make things higher, which is also why, if someone [00:32:00] decides this isn't for them, That's okay, too, because we would rather have them as a customer and not, you know, th they're not looking at it as a business and wanting to make money, then it's okay.
They don't that not everybody has to do this business. So $92 in the pocket for the U S 120. Seven for Canadian. And then last but not least the KPI is the total number of customers. So, as I mentioned in my 2023 recap, this was one that I'm kind of starting fresh with. Cause I didn't have anything to compare it to for the previous year, but I was excited that I landed the month with 1,871 customers, which is nine new customers.
So, which is awesome, which again, primarily are coming from YouTube and from referrals and my business at this point, in case you're curious. So guys, those are my actual numbers and my actual results for what January looked like. And overall I'm, I'm pretty happy. I, again, tend to look at a glass half full in my business, and I think there's a lot of good stuff happening and I'm seeing [00:33:00] some things really working, but we got a lot of work to do as well.
And so I know what I need to focus my energy on, and hopefully this can help you dig into the numbers in your business and see them through the lens of some opportunities for growth things to celebrate for you and your team. If you've got it. It and some key numbers that you can start tracking in your business moving forward.
So thanks again for listening guys, and I hope you have an amazing week. Bye.