83 | Ask the Expert: Jessica Peterson (Money Mindset)
[00:00:00] Hi, friends. I am so excited for y'all to meet Jessica Peterson of the Moms Into Business podcast. Jessica and I connected actually through the podcast world. We're ~kind of ~mutual fans of each other's podcast, and we both share something that we're super passionate about, which is. Money and specifically the mindset that a lot of moms and especially working women have when it comes to money.
So Jessica, I'm really excited to dive into this conversation. ~Um, ~thank you so much for being here today. Oh, thank you. This is a blessing. I love to collaborate with you and your audience and talk about this topic, and I could listen to your beautiful, soft, soothing voice all day long. So it's so good.
When I was listening to your podcast, I was like, oh my gosh, she's got the most like heavenly voice. It's so good. Oh, thank you because funny you say that. I've always been told Jessica, you have the Disney princess voice and then when. When I went into, which honestly that was my like career trajectory in college, was [00:01:00] to perform.
I went to school to perform a performance major in music. So I was like, yeah, of course. And then when I went into the coaching world, I had a colleague of mine tell me, maybe you should get voice training because your voice is so high pitched, Jessica that, and I just laughed. I was like, Thank you for your feedback.
Put it in the journal as this is the funniest moment. So thanks for saying that. That makes me laugh and that brings back that memory. Oh my gosh, I can't, I cannot even believe that somebody would say that. And how ironic and how amazing now that you have fulfilled those passions in terms of having a podcast where you get to talk to people and busy moms like me.
~Um. ~Exactly. So I love it. ~Well, ~for those who haven't yet caught up with your podcast, maybe share a little bit of the backstory of your life,~ um,~ where you live, your history and experience, and all that good stuff. Sure. I live in Springfield, Missouri. I'm not originally from here. This is,~ um,~ where [00:02:00] literally we feel like Heavenly Father guided us here.
Schooling. My husband was going to set his practice here and we've been here for the last 11 years and love it. I'm a mom of four and from 15 all the way down to four. So we've got a lot of fun things happening at our house. ~Um, ~The reason I got into business, honestly, was because my husband's first business wasn't going well and he asked me to come on board.
Let's learn together how to build a brick and mortar. Heather, I know you would resonate with that cuz you've done that. ~Um, ~and we did it. Honestly how we did it was the first business failed in most people's eyes. They would say it failed for us it didn't because it taught us everything that didn't work.
Now we know what to work and we've created a fabulous brick and mortar here in Springfield, Missouri. Love it. And from that,~ I,~ I wanted to help other women that wanted to either create a business but also find their worth. Cuz I was struggling with my own. Because I [00:03:00] thought that being a good mom meant I was a stay-at-home mom and did nothing else except motherhood, and I love motherhood.
It's a divine calling. Truly. And through business, I found my worth again, surprisingly, like I. ~Um, ~heavenly Father took me on this journey of building myself self-development, and so that's where it all spun from and he is taking me down many paths and he is taking me down another path this year, and I'm constantly in awe of what he teaches me through business.
Oh my gosh. I love that you use the analogy of a path because ~that's, ~that's something that I can just. Picture that visual of, ~you know, ~here we are, we're on earth. ~Um, ~and it's like walking through the path. I say in network marketing, my, my business model, it's like a jungle. Cause it's a lot of times, but honestly, life is like that.
It's not always easy and we all have different experiences and different journeys along that path. But I think the fact that you are letting him lead you and letting him highlight and spotlight ~those, ~those aspects of. [00:04:00] What makes ~you ~you, like even you were saying you, you wanted to ~kind of ~be a performer, you wanted to use your voice, and now here you are.
It might not be how you envisioned it being, but now you get to help his kingdom and you get to help build up other women through the knowledge and experience of your background as an entrepreneur. ~So, ~I love how he works it all together for our good. That's, that is such a beautiful thing and your story,~ um,~ just resonates that so much.
~So, um, ~so that's awesome. So tell me, when it comes to money and if you're in business at all, whether it's brick and mortar, whether it's network marketing, whether it's, I know you're coaching, whether it's podcasts, all the things. If it's a business, you've got to make money. ~Right? ~So talk to me about that, because I feel like a lot of moms that are in business for themselves, even if on a smaller side hustle level, are all the way up to trying to build a business, they struggle with that.
~So, ~so talk about,~ let's,~ let's dive right into the money thing right away. Absolutely. ~Um, ~money can be just saying it to be quite honest, brings up emotions for most people. Or even that word, I'm gonna say it, budget. ~Um, ~it can be like a Oh, [00:05:00] that's fine, or, oh my goodness, it's a triggering word for me because it brings up all these negative emotions and we make money, emotional and sometimes.
We can honestly say, let's stop making it emotional. It's money, which is a tool, a resource,~ um,~ but you have to reframe it. And if you think about scripturally in the scriptures, Matthew 25, I like to think about the parable of the talents. ~How, ~how are we using this money that we're given? So first of all is we're each given gifts, talents, money, resources, et cetera.
And how are we stewardship over what we've been given and then that dictates how we're going to get more. ~Mm-hmm. ~And that frames for all things. For example, like I have a pianist, one of my daughters a pianist. She's great. She is gifted at it. And you're not gifted if you never practice. ~Mm-hmm. ~So then the talent is taken away.
[00:06:00] Same thing for money, if you're not understanding how to use it, how to get it. Then it's not going to work for you. So I'm framing that first before we go into money mindset pieces. I have four. First is identifying your money patterns. Where does your money go? Where does your feelings about money come from?
Just being very open. ~Like ~write it down. ~Like ~what do you think about when you say money in business, money at home, money, whatever. Okay, so most people will be like, I have a lot. I don't have enough. Or, oh man, I don't want, I don't wanna spend on this. Or, money doesn't grow on trees. All these sayings we've heard come up when we talk about money, but where does your money like thoughts come ~from, ~from your childhood?
The position you have now? First step is identify. Identify where your, where they came [00:07:00] from and what you think about when you think about money. Does that make sense, Heather? Oh my gosh. ~It makes, ~it makes so much sense. I think that the first key to the mindset, like you said, is even just being aware of the fact that we have thoughts about money.
Cuz people, they think of it just as well, everybody thinks of it differently, but yes, it's like before you can even get to the mindset piece, you have to be aware that we have thoughts about money and they are just that they're thoughts and values that are shaped from our experiences. So I love it. Keep going.
Yeah. So after you've identified your thoughts, your feelings, Is secondly, what are your patterns with money? Are you a I've got it now. I've got to spend all of it. And I'm not making any of this right or wrong, so don't do that. This is a process of learning for you in the way you do money. ~So, ~okay, what are my patterns?
I spend my money or I save my money. I hoard money because I live in scarcity where I, if I have it, I'm afraid to spend it. Cuz will more come. [00:08:00] Or are you very fluid with money where you know, okay, I save here, I spend here, I invest here. And the rest just fluidly works. That's, and that is something that I would have to say with your patterns of money, it's different for each stage that you're in because you're growing as a person and money is fluid money.
If you look at the way the economy works, just think about 2020, for example, when everybody stopped spending, what happens to the economy? It tanks, but when everybody continues, like when mu, when life went back to normal. Then the economy started moving again because people will spend again. That is what happens if we don't spend, then, okay, if I don't buy my groceries at my local grocery store, I'm affecting my community because then they're not paying their workers, et cetera, and then you are not coming [00:09:00] to my brick and mortar and there's this community thing.
~That's, ~that's how money works. So see what your patterns are. That's, so that's the step. Second step, first step, identify your feelings, your thoughts, your emotions around money. Second, identify your patterns with money. No right or wrong, remember. And then thirdly, okay. You're like, okay, I know where I'm at with my money.
Generally, everybody always wants more money. ~Right. ~Nobody said, I've had enough. I don't need any more blessings. I'm good. ~I mean, there, ~there, there's some, but most people are still seeking for more. ~Um, ~and understand why you want more. When I coach women, they'll be like, everybody has the wonderful and fantastic goal of say, I wanna make 10 K a month.
That's like everybody's goal. You wanna make six figures and I applaud you for that. That's wonderful. It's not actually your goal. Your goal is what's behind that money and [00:10:00] what does that money provide for you? Most people, they'll say it's because ~I, ~I wanna go on that family vacation finally, cuz we haven't gone on one with my kids.
Or I want to be able to give back to my community and I wanna provide some extra money for this charity. I'd love to tithe more in church. Excellent. I'd love to be able to pay off all of my debt. Awesome. Okay. See how all of that is tied around goodness that you want to bring to the world. Sounds like pretty great endeavors to me, but it's not the money, if that makes sense.
It's, you want better memories, you wanna be able to have freedom, you want time and you wanna serve so, When you have the, that frame of mind with money, you are going to move in a different direction. That's changing the way you're thinking about money. The more confident you are, the more confident [00:11:00] you will be with your money.
So if you are aware of, okay, this is exactly why I want that money. I know how to get it. I know because in business I have had a scarcity mindset. I think we've all at one point or not where I was like, I'm gonna get that money. I'm gonna do whatever it takes in a righteous endeavor. I'm not doing anything bad, but I'm gonna like work and hustle and go and be and do all the things.
And what ended up happening was I ended up retracting or repelling additional clients because I was so focused on the wrong things. I'm not saying focusing on money is bad. I'm saying where your intention and your heart is around money can be bring scarcity, and you get the complete opposite of what you want because money is ~a, ~a happy thing.
It's a joyful thing. It wants to provide all of those things because heavenly father wants to bless you. ~Mm-hmm. He, ~he just [00:12:00] does. And ~there's the, ~there's the like, ways of going about it and one of those is understanding your thoughts and patterns. ~Mm-hmm. ~Understanding that you get to be a confident person in who you are, whether or not you have money.
~Mm-hmm. ~I will say that over and over again because we tend to think that you're confident because you have money. No. I'm already confident, money just enhances me in general. ~Um, ~I did a series all about money and each one of them said, because it's thought that money is the root of all evil. ~Well, ~no, the love of money is the root of all evil.
And in that context, because as ~a, ~a disciple of Jesus Christ, where that comes from, scripture. Think about how you have to, as a missionary, it costs money to go around spreading the gospel. It costs money to fly Mother Teresa when she was alive around in planes doing [00:13:00] service around the world, who is giving her that money?
~Right? ~Everything in our modern world is either money, food, some kind of resource. So think about it in that way. It's not the root of all evil, it's how we perceive things and how we are going to take it. But I. For anybody that's going to get more money, it's only going to enhance what you already are. So for Heather, she's already a genuine, kind, loving mother.
Money is only going to, she's going to give more, right? It's not going to make her all of a sudden be evil. If you are evil, if your intentions are evil and then you get more money, then you're gonna do more evil. So if we would think about it in that way, and that's why. When you're confident as a person, you can be confident with money because you can train your brain, your mind in the things of money.
Fourth step is let go of the shame, the [00:14:00] perfectionism, and the overthinking that comes with money because too many times, like I think we've all made bad investments, there was an investment I made in my business that. I didn't get a monetary r o ROI on it, and I beat myself up on it for a while, but I got an r o I for my mind.
I learned so much from that investment. Like you, I learned I will not do that again. ~Like ~so was it useful? Yes, I had to let it go. The money has been spent because too many times we, especially women, Will beat ourselves up that we didn't spend X, Y, Z appropriately. Beating yourself up will not get the money back, but how you get that money back is how you're gonna move forward.
Oh, I learned what not to do. Now I know what to do. So I'm reframing, again, patterns in my mind around money so that I can [00:15:00] create abundance and abundance. Loves when we are. In the spirit of joy, community, giving all of those things and service, if you're going to be hoarding and scarcity and only about me, it's harder to create that flow of money.
So hopefully those four tips you're resonating with and going, ~I can, ~I can sit down, do those four steps and take one actionable step to create positive change around money in my life. Oh my gosh, there's seriously so much goodness in everything that you said. And my favorite part, cuz if any listeners in my podcast know that I love, like a good step by step process or an acronym or breaking it down and what's wild is my money mindset journey.
~It, ~it literally, I would say, went through those exact four phases, but like the Lord, ~you know, kind of ~carried me through each of those steps. And what a beautiful way to ~kind of ~break it down from someone who doesn't even know where to star, someone who is ~kind of ~misinterpreting scripture or has a [00:16:00] negative mindset around actually making money.
Because it can't, it can hold you back from doing more for the kingdom and having that. And when I say abundance, and I know you, you agree with me, that doesn't mean more necessary. ~I mean, ~it can mean more, but that's not what the goal is. ~Um, ~that actually was my word of the year,~ uh,~ gosh, two, two or three years ago.
And my husband. Literally ~like ~rolled the eyes. He's ~like, ~that is the cheesiest word of the year. And I was like,~ well,~ it is my word and it is. ~Um, ~but it really is the opposite of scarcity. It truly is. And I think that so many people are holding themselves back. They're holding back. Like you said, I love that you touched on Matthew 25 with the parable of the talents, because the Lord gives us everything we need.
He gives us every idea, every person, every dollar, every bit of business, every customer. It's all from him. And when we can acknowledge that and we can follow, just walk along that path alongside him and get right with our mindset of money and the way the patterns of spending he ~does, ~doesn't always, but quite often will give you more because he wants you to have that abundance like you said.
And the other thing I wanted to ~kind of ~touch on, because I [00:17:00] know,~ uh,~ for those listening. Jessica, we haven't recorded it yet, but by the time this airs, we will have recorded a podcast on moms into business, Jessica's podcast, where we're talking all about social media and how choosing faith over fear when it comes to that is,~ um, it, ~it can be hard,~ right,~ hard in different ways depending on how you're leveraging it.
And I thought about, as you were saying about,~ um, you know, kind of ~striving for more, not so much abundance, but striving for more, whether it's more money or more followers. I honestly think when you said that I had a light bulb moment, ~that ~that's why being an online influence influencer or doing the influencer strategy as I talk about in my podcast, Was not the right fit for me, at least in that season because I was searching for more, I was wanting more money, I was wanting more followers.
Cause I was told that's what I needed to build my business. And because of that, the energy and the kind of that feeling like you said, that I was putting out there was actually hindering the growth of my business because I was focused on the wrong thing. Because [00:18:00] more in abundance really are two different things.
~So, ~I'm so thankful that you have literally given me that light bulb to ~kind of ~better understand my story and my journey, which of course, I'm an open book and ~have, ~have, and will continue to share on my podcast. So thank you so much, Jessica. This is amazing. You're welcome. You're welcome. I'm glad that you see that.
And I'm excited for our episode on my podcast, cuz we're gonna touch more on ~that, ~that. Every avenue. There's so many different ways to make money, and we tend to think in this world that there's only a couple. Unfortunately, that's what people have bought into, and if you go back, ~like ~think about our parents or even our grandparents, And you ask them about money or strategy or people that have no influence on social media.
~Um, ~I love to pick their brains because they're wildly successful even before the things that we use today. So don't think that it has to be one way. There's so many avenues to [00:19:00] create an abundant life. Oh, I love that. And I think your and my story are beautiful examples of that and that, ~you know, ~me going down the path of the traditional brick and mortar business was not what the Lord intended for me to best use my gifts, talents,~ and,~ and, ~you know, ~make my marriage flourish because it required me to be away from my family.
And you know it, anyway, it's ~my, ~my journey. But yours is the opposite. Yours. ~You know, ~he is allowing the brick and mortar business model to flourish. You and your husband working together and being able to again serve many other women from the experiences, both good and bad. Cuz I know brick and mortar ~is ~is not easy.
Neither is network marketing, right? They're both challenging. Yes,~ and,~ and that this, we're not promised that this life is gonna be easy. That's another biblical misconception. ~It's, ~it's not. It's, we're promised that it will be hard, but entrusting in the Lord and acknowledging that all of it, especially every bit of the money comes from him, I think ~is just, ~is just a beautiful reminder for wherever someone is on the journey of those four steps that you shared.
It's so good. [00:20:00] So good. No, thank you. Thank you. So literally, don't walk away from today's episode feeling overwhelmed or overthinking, or that you are not good enough. Because I've listened and trained myself and done lots of work. Know that this is an ever-growing process, and I don't think you've ever arrived, so to speak with money mindset, because you're always growing.
So think of it as a. Okay. What can I take away to be better today? Yes. So I can be more useful tomorrow? Yes. So good, Jessica. So good. We'll definitely go check out Moms into Business. I'll make sure to link the, both the podcasts and of course all the scriptures that we shared in the show notes. ~Um, ~because that's definitely another great place to start.
It's just ~like, ~what does the Lord say? What does people say ~about ~about money? Cuz there's a lot, there's more ~than, ~than you probably realize. And,~ um,~ proverb, the book of Proverbs is also really great in terms of just giving ~good, ~good solid wisdom ~for, ~for ~how to, ~how to use it too. ~So, ~I'm grateful for all your resources and again, if you want more of this, go make sure [00:21:00] to follow Moms into Business.
Where else can,~ um,~ the listeners find you? Maybe your website cause you all kinds of fun things. My website is Jessica Bright peterson.my kajabi.com and I am sometimes on Instagram at Jessica Bright Peterson. Awesome. And spell Bright for us just right. So it's b r i t e. That's right. Okay. ~I, ~I wanted to make sure it wasn't B R i g h D, so Jessica Bright, b r i t e, peterson.mykajabi.com and j And you can, I know you can search it up cuz that's what I did and ~it'll, ~it'll pop right up and ~you can, ~you can read all about Jessica and find a link to her podcast and all the things ~so.~
I'm excited. Yay. Perfect. Thank you. Yes. And go listen to the other episode,~ um,~ when it comes out. And,~ um,~ thank you guys for listening today, and thank you, Jessica, for being here. Absolutely. Yes.